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(This creation myth, as sung/spoken by the Bottomwarp Lorekeeper Illusha, is but one of many. There are other versions -- some of which involve themselves less with sex -- but this is a fairly traditional, popular one, and as Illusha notes, sex is frequently about pleasure and beauty and creation, and so is entirely appropriate for this subject. The beginning few stanzas are a formula set with which Illusha begins all of her lorespinnings. All but the younges or most naieve Bottomwarpers know full well that such stories have no claim on objective truth, and are valued, as art pieces, for their beauty or in metaphorical terms.)

I go there dancing

    (I go there dancing)
I go there singing
    (I go there singing)
Praise and joy, my sisterbrothers, my lovers, children of the Mess! Heya, praise!

I sing in joy; the world teaches me joy; I am complete.

Listen: I sing of the beginning of things, of the Puzzlebox, of the Warps, and of really good satisfying fucking.

Once there was One. I won't say she was mother, or father, or god or goddess, or anything like that. Mother implies children, god implies worshipper. She was One alone, totally sufficient to herself. You've heard about the Wholesong? faction, those who spend all their time in sensory-deprivation wombs, exploring their own inner landscape, paying no nevermind to everything outside? At the start, the One was like that. But maybe she got bored, or maybe she just wanted to try something new, or maybe she didn't mean to, it just happened, or maybe, who knows? Maybe the reasons of the One aren't something I can put my finger on. Maybe you can. All things are possible.

But anyway, for whatever reason, she split into two. (Maybe she just wanted to fuck.) And maybe those two were In and Out, or Dark and Light, or Truth and Beauty, or maybe they were just Foo and Bar, or maybe they didn't have any name. Or maybe all at once. Anyway, the One who was now Two got together, and began screwing, and that was really good -- remember, this is the first sex ever, and maybe the best sex ever, maybe, or maybe not -- maybe clumsy, the way first sex is, but really good, you know, so oftentimes beings remember that first screw with a lot of fondness, even if now they're more skilled, and their partners are more skilled.

So that Two was making love, was doing it a lot, all the time, because it felt good, because it was good to be not alone, because it was good to be Two but also to become One again, like the best of both worlds. And they thought, wow, this is really fucking amazing! But let's see what else we can do. So they split again, and that was even better, and they split again, and that was six, which is a nice number for an intimate little orgy (although some people swear by eight, and of course it's not enough for a really big orgy). And as everyone knows, in a really good orgy, it's good for your partners to have some things in common with you and also some things different, so the six went in different ways -- and that's why Up and Top have some things in common, and some things different, and why Charm and Strange are opposite but somehow alike, and on like that. So the six became like and unlike, lovers and enemies, because that's the best way to have all kinds of games to play with each other. Sometimes they were gentle games, and sometimes rough ones; sometimes you want tender lovemaking and sometimes you want whips and chains, you know, and it's all good, and sometimes very good. And because differences are beautiful, and beauty is in the familiar-but-strange, living there in that borderland. And we came along, we people-of-the-Mess, or maybe they made us, who knows? Because games need participants, and also toys. Or maybe we're what they conceived, those Warps, in their fucking, because beauty is about creation as much as it's about pleasure.

We're still part of those games, we are -- the games the One-who-is-Six plays with herself.

[A question from the audience.]

Is it true? Fuck me, I don't know. But it's real. Look around you, see the way things go, the whole world is striving and longing and satiation, and everything is graceful and messy and gorgeous, like a really good screw. Isn't it? Or maybe I'm just talking out my ass, it doesn't matter. I sing in joy; listen in joy; be entertained; be enlightened.

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Last edited May 3, 2005 6:54 pm by Cascade (diff)