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 /* Physical represensation subroutine - male ferret                      */
 /* version                                                  */
 /*                                                                       */
 /* 'Physical' (c) 4XXX (indefinite term) Pil Bizanthiar Corporation      */
 /* The operator agrees not to decompile, reverse engineer, reproduce,    */
 /* sell, or distribute modified versions of this software.  All rights   */
 /* reserved.                                                             */
 /*                                                                       */
 /* PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:                                                  */
 /*    At first, nothing more is visible than a vague green-tinted sil-   */
 /* houette, a slight figure at best.  Perhaps with a moment, though, the */
 /* form becomes more clear.  The shape is that of a ferret, lanky to an  */
 /* extreme.  The  torso  is understandably elongated, looking rather     */
 /* flexible and agile, the slim neck terminating in a wedge-shaped head, */
 /* small rounded ears flicking atop the form in random intervals (seeded */
 /* from the system clock).  The body tapers slightly in the middle be-   */
 /* fore coming back out for the hips. Short legs end in slim paws, bar-  */
 /* ing slender toes, much like the slender, point-tipped fingers on the  */
 /* hands.  A tapered tail extends from his back. Yes, his; the form      */
 /* strikes as masculine, despite the lithe overall form.                 */
 /*    After this point, there is a departure in standard ferret form,    */
 /* however.  The ferret appears to be made up of some sort of black,     */
 /* semi-reflective fluid, rigid enough to still hold distinct shape.     */
 /* Random characters of luminescent green seems to reflect off the inner */
 /* portions of the body, creating distorted reflections of green text on */
 /* its surface.  No clothing is apparent.  Where eyes would be are two   */
 /* green, brightly glowing patches, giving the appearance of eyes.       */

 *char physical(ferret,male);


Besax is apparently responsible for the handle of Phys-FM, and may be the first entity to sight this mysterious creature during his own temporary confinement to Strangewarp.

Mel recently discovered the elusive dataferret interred within the confines of Strangewarp. Phys-Fm is apparently not allowed to leave by the very structures of the warp itself, so it is no surprise that most people have never seen or even heard of him. Because of this, he knows next to nothing about the Mess, only recently having been told the names of the other warps and the basics of what each contains.

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Last edited August 19, 2004 5:32 pm by Amanita (diff)