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A [Wheel Bug]. Possibly a Chitin Queen, maybe even true Neke, but you didn't hear that from me.

The Wheel Queen

This is a smallish insectoid person, about 1.5 meters length overall. Her body is built long and low, with a typically large abdomen. Because she is styled after the Arilus cristatus, there is a prominent gear-like structure which grows from the back of her thorax, the wheel of a wheel bug.

Xir limbs attach from ball-and-sockets on xir underside, then jut sideways and down to hold xir up. Xir wings seem almost ridged extensions atop xir abdomen until they swing open and begin to flap.

Her head is simply a bulge with two complex eyes on either side and simple eyes just behind them, essentially a support and guide for her mouth. That, it appears, is a dangerously sharp siphon through which protein-liquifying poisons are delivered and nourishment taken in.

Xi walks very patiently and deliberately at all times, choosing xir path in a sedate manner, unless xi actually bothers to fly somewhere.

She is singular and immortal, the cultist assassin: Th'thsthn, the Wheel Queen.

Th'thsthn Mistress, Assassin of the Wheel

Don't say xir name too loudly in polite company. She can hear you perfectly well from where you are. Xi is an assassin, in fact a hashishim, a fanatic ecstasy cultist who awaits the True Heaven, and intends to rise bodily to meet it. She will be served there by all those whom she has destroyed, and for anticipation of it has few or no direct servants in this life. All xir needs are met anyway; there is no need to flaunt her control of others.

It is rumored that:

the Wheel Queen does not enslave others
Only willing servants are worthy of joining her at the end of time.
her discipline does not end
Those who manage to insult or disappoint her simply vanish or attempt to remove themselves from all contact with others - in some circles, Sosael is whispered to be one of many victims driven to the Strangevirus for solace from one madness in another.
xi has no gender whatsoever
Xir accustomed body is not female and lays no eggs.
xi is a single-lifer
She seeks the True Heaven, and while immortal must enjoy but one body in order to successfully arrive at her destination.
she has many guises
Xir true body is a symbiote which slips from its large chitinous mount from time to time to perform certain tasks.
there have been many versions of Th'thsthn
Each is considered the true Wheel Queen, even though their timelines occasionally overlap.
she has many servants
Some simply don't know whom they serve.
xi suffers from immortality
Because she cannot die, she forces others into her own miserable state as revenge.
Th'thsthn is perfectly harmless
After all, has anyone proven that she's done anything to anyone without their permission?
xi makes no secret of xir secret language
Why bother, when all your native brood have been destroyed?
music is her weakness
She treats musicians as priests.
xi is Atcinna's long-lost daughter from many, many brood-cycles ago - stolen from the Neke by Strange, or some other horror
...or some say it was Sosael herself.
Is every rumor true?
Don't ask her, she lies.
Have you a rumor to add?
Please do.

Truths and lies: A Day of Encounters

Who are you? Do you seek the True Heaven?

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Last edited November 6, 2004 10:58 pm by Echo (diff)