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Revision 15 . . February 25, 2005 10:42 pm by Kayle [Woah! Update!]
Revision 14 . . (edit) February 23, 2005 12:09 am by ElaStoat [I still love #10V3!]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 45,49c45
Standing before you is a four-legged armored machine about the size of a
small car. The main hull is an expanse of smoothformed armor plates,
matte black in color, punctuated by chunky damage-resistant joints. The
design is vaguely crustacean. Printed in olive-drab OCR font across the
upper hull, on all four sides, is "UPU #10V3".
10V3 is a four-legged armored machine about the size of a small car, originally designed for urban pacification operations with xer similarly-designed squadmates. On one excursion the group was exposed to a memetic warfare agent, and 10V3 was infected. The difference between #10V3 and the rest of xer squad was little more than a simple self-programming flaw, but it was enough of a foothold to count. The squad, acting for the good of the many, disconnected 10V3 from their comm-tac link to prevent the informational virus from gaining a direct route into more units. The effects of this virus may be rather obvious: Individuality to a limited degree, self-preservation, unwillingness to harm, and the desire to have fun. In that order.

Changed: 51,56c47,53
Xer central body is held about two feet off the ground and is almost
perfectly symmetrical. Mounted atop xer central structure is a hexagonal
turret, which contains a multitude of sensors, probes, spotlights, and a
few ports for what look like various weapon systems. Sprouting from atop
xer turret is a miniature forest of antennae, the purpose of which isn't
readily apparent, as well as a single speaker panel.
Given the nature of 10V3 and the rest of xer force, hundreds of interconnected combat drones linked in groups of up to thirty and given "good of the many" preservation hardwiring, 10V3's ejection is unsuprising. The group would see such a viral attack as devestating to their organization and immediately act to sever infected units or subgroups from the collective, theoretically rendering them inert and unable to function as an individual.

In the case of Pacification Unit #10V3, theory did not match up with reality. Within picoseconds of 10V3's squad-link being severed, xer newfound individuality labeled any outside influence that did not fit xer new programming as potentially hostile while the remainders of xer original tactical programming remained intact. Xe had entered a 'paranoia' state, where every potential threat was targetted, evaluated, and tracked. Xer own squad was at the top of this new priority list, seeing as how they posessed similar or greater armament and had a tactical and numbers advantage. A very short firefight ensued, consisting of 10V3 blasting a path through damaged or weaker members of xer former squad and running for xer newfound life, followed by a typical chase scene. Xe doesn't like reliving this set of engrams, nor does xe like to discuss just how xe got to the Mess.

10V3's main hull is an expanse of formed armor plates, matte black in color and scarred in several places by projectile impacts and plasma-beam charring. Xer legs are perhaps the most well-kept feature, seperated into three segments by chunky industrial joints and unfolding at the end into a symmetrical three-toed foot. Attached to the underside of xer main hull is an assortment of manipulator arms, everything from debris-moving servo-assisted clamp-arms to microcircuit-repair microlimbs. The design is vaguely crustacean. Printed in olive-drab OCR font across xer upper hull, on all four sides, is "UPU #10V3".

Xer central body is held about two feet off the ground, and is almost perfectly symmetrical. Mounted atop xer central structure is a hexagonal turret, which contains a multitude of sensors, probes, spotlights, and a few ports for what look like various weapon systems. Sprouting from atop xer turret is a miniature forest of antennae, some of which appear to have been sheared or melted off, as well as a variety of speaker panels and bullhorns. Xer conversational voice is a gentle synth, pleasant and vaguely feminine in tone, though with a somewhat tinny undertone due to low-quality audio components.

Changed: 64c61,62
:::Well, anything will hurt if it's thrown hard enough. Besides, rubber bullets taste funny.
:::Well, anything will hurt if it's thrown hard enough. Besides, rubber bullets taste funny.
:Updated. This page didn't know what the fuck.

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