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Lysette turns quietly, reaches up from Brimstone, takes Untitled's hand, and softly kisses it.. and she looks like she might say something. But it never comes.

Brimstone prrps softly, tilts her head at Lysette, staring intently, almost frowning. Or as close as she can get. Untitled smiles softly at the kiss, and lets out a little dogpurr, while rubbing under Brimstone's chin. The lack of words doesn't seem to bother him; that small kiss on his hand says enough for the moment.

Kehari has connected.

Lysette's muzzle rests a sea of black in Untitled's hand, and she softly holds it, and rubs in place, her bright green eyes still seen just a bit even when the lids close.

Untitled wrrrs softly, and keeps his non-petting hand still, just letting it rest beneath Lysette's muzzle, enjoying the contact. His own eyes close, but he doesn't bother to darken them, letting his LEDs show through the transparent limbs. He smiles over at Kehari, still quiet, looking quite peaceful.

Brimstone curls up tightly in Un's lap, purring very softly, watching Lysette and Kehari.

Kehari blinks awake and sits up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Mmmmph, 'nother powernap..."

Untitled dips his head and kisses the top of Brimstone's, then nods to Kehari. "Sometimes a body needs one," he synths, smiling softly.

Lysette smiles slowly, stretching just a little in place.. "Yeah.." she churrs.. "Its been a bit of a ride." she giggles. She leans back slowly.. "Hey, love.. Would you want to help me clean off, or just relax for now?"

Kehari smirks a little. "Yeah, guess so..." she says to Un, looking around and smiling at Lysette. "Mmmm, I think I can do that," she murrs, getting up and slinking over to the hyena...

Lysette laughs softly, waving her vixen over, her eyes half lidding.. "Here, or back home? We should take sabina there, at least, so she can relax.."

Kehari says, "Mmm... Home, I think. Yeah..."

Untitled chuckles. While giving Brimstone's shoulders a delicate rub, he smiles to vixen and hyena, and synths, "Enjoy, dears."

Kehari smiles over her shoulder. "See you later, hon."

Lysette waves out to Untitled, her tail clicking happily to him.. "We'll be back here after!"

Secundus Bathhouse

Lysette [of course, tugs sabina along, who's been long passed out.. - Retconned] She laughs happily, "I.. think I milked her rather well. What Flyte and Phoenix did to me.. well, I've handled myself well around it. But there's no reason to hold back with you, Kehari.. and.. you know.." she sighs, and kisses your muzzle softly, a touch of honey on her lips.. "I haven't.. managed to *actually* climax since.. well, before I last had sabina play with you last.." she sighs softly, and gives a little happy whine..

Kehari murmurs hungrily at that taste of the nectar and works her lips and tongue over your mouth, cleaning it thoroughly. "Mmmmmh... Ma'am, may I...?" she murmurs as she slides up along your side, careful to not disturb the honey smeared across your front.

Lysette's tail clicks happily.. "Yes, good vixen.. My dear, sweet vixen.. Think of nothing else. Just you, and me, and time together.. Clean me off as hungrily, as thoroughly as you can.." she whispers. The bare hyena's tail clicks side to side. The girl practically drips with honey, from who knows how long smearing sabina on her front as she teased her half to death.

Kehari immediately begins licking down from your jaw and onto your neck and shoulders, tongue slithering and sifting through your fur, even nibbling a little to tease out tiny knots where the honey has balled up a little. Little pleased and aroused sounds float from her throat as she worships you lovingly.

Lysette's feet hook in on rings on the floor. She grapples down the rest of the way, laying out with you on top, relatively, her free hand holding at your side. She looks up to you with a slow smile, her eyes half opened to you, her ears resting neatly back on her scalp as she sighs pleasantly.. When she degrapples, her hand rises, her thumb resting on your collar, her fingers slowly stroking along back as her eyes rest narrowly open to you.

[OOC] Kehari says, "We really should do this in private, you know."

[OOC] Lysette says, "Alright."

[OOC] Lysette says, "Consider it, then, in the Amber Field. :>"

Secundus Pyramid Habitation Room

This room is shaped as an isoceles triangle, the entire length of one external wall of the pyramid forming the base of the triangle, sloping inwards so the ceiling occupies a smaller area than the floor, the other walls rising at perfect right angles from the floor. The walls, floor, and ceiling are panelled in a slightly glossy white tiling in a substance that looks and feels vaguely like ceramic, brightening in the room's light. This <light> comes from the external wall, which looks as if it is made of a sheet of silver covered by a layer of translucent crystal, a portion of the silver blazing like a tiny white sun, giving the illusion of looking through a frosted window at a midday sun.

The room looks spartan but is actually fairly well-furnished. A large grey bed in the shape of a shallow bowl rests on one wall, oriented vertically as if gravity was sideways there. The bed has a slightly glossy black blanket with a textured dot pattern covering it, with a slight rise around the lip of the bowl where pillows have been placed. Small slit-like openings can be seen around the edge as well. Against another wall is a black rectangular basin with low sides, perhaps three meters long and two meters wide. A grey oval platform of sorts rests in the middle of the room with its long axis parallel to the exterior wall; it lies on the floor and is slightly bowl-shaped. Just in front of the oval bowl, between it and the exterior wall, a flat grey plane hovers in mid-air about a half meter from the floor. The only other feature of the room is a simple white metal door set in the center of the <right> interior wall, labelled to its left as 'Entrance'.

Kehari nods slowly as she works down towards your breasts, head moving up and down, eager for the feel of your direct interface, hungry for the honey suffused through your fur. Her hands gently hold you under your arms, just keeping you in place as she laps up the nectar.

Lysette sighs slowly as she drifts in the amber field with you, her fingers slowly tracing your side, the slight curve of your breast, the soft tufts of black fur. Her head rests back, her bright green eyes close.. and she hooks in her claws, all at once. She knows all of this will push you further towards the Neke ultimately.. but at least this isn't being done alone, at least she's here to hold you even as nectar draws particular thoughts forward that otherwise would not include her. Her tail slowly clicks, the interface lighting up, her green eyes scrolling data, and, she knows just how far everything's gone, from exploring her own mind, and comparing it to yours. The deeper links installed, hooked rudimentary into the collar just yet, allow full and complete access. The ROM rests mostly dormant, running its quiet functions, necessary but quiet, a required intermediary in you now. Her chest rises slowly to you, her nipples glisten with honey, almost black looking from her dark flesh.

Kehari's mouth dips to meet that rising flesh, slick and matted with honey. Hungry tongue slides over warm fur, draws the nectar from it, licks it clean and moves over your nipple. First one, then the other, spending the time to lavish it with her tongue, to make sure she gets every drop, cleans you. The data flows unimpeded through her new hardports; she's close now, without a doubt. The Neke will have a new member soon.

The Neke will only have a new member in name - Lysette allows no one before herself, for her mate. She allows anyone her mate wants, but no one before her. The hyena will not and cannot be supplanted, not truly, and she will see to this - to some extent, she already has. But she must follow through, and she knows its coming.. it makes her almost subdued. She doesn't state the obvious, she simply knows what her vixen knows. Her back bends, her eyes clench a little, and one, two, three, her claws *break*, left in the ports, making them appear like quiet, simple beads on the back. Without the collar, the ROM will go, too, but then.. the collar can be hidden under a layer of chitin, perhaps. She doesn't think about it.. the connection remains, wirelessly broadcasting, bits of her being left inside of you, fused for now. Calmly, she *purrs*.. and groans, with the tongue's touch over her nipples, the softest of trembles visible through her as both rise.. Her hand, sans three claws, trails down, and .. and dull fingers brush your tag..

Kehari feels those claws snap off, the sudden movement on the back of her neck, your hand moving away and keeping the link open, and gives a little sob of thanks against your belly, pausing to nuzzle at you, gently hug you to acknowledge your gift before taking up her duty again. She works back and forth as she slowly descends over your breasts and belly, soon "kneeling" before you as she draws to the final bits of nectar, leading to a point. Somewhere on the muck, Untitled went away.

Lysette's black muzzle rubs slowly to yours, her eyes opening, twinged with violet as she gives a soft, whining moan out to you, of so much, lust and fear and pain and comfort all at once, like an injured, confused animal in so many ways, no matter how well she knows intellectually. Her fingers tap at your tag a moment more, and then leave it for your shoulders, letting you drift down. Bellyfur leads down by stripes to her white furred sex, the black line of her slit. She's always the one exploring another.. But, then.. you are a true person to her. Someone her equal. Someone just as real. And, in that, your exploration is more than just something to watch.. the intimacy is not her dispassionate pleasure, its filled with emotions that can usually only touch herself if generated by herself. Just the same, through you, everything for her was, and is also possible..

Kehari gently nuzzles at that black crease, tenderly dabbing her tongue along the edge, teasing the bits of honey from it, her touch warm and damp and feather-light. She would be kneeling before you if not for the bed's a-g field, bent in praise to the person who brings light to her life, the one person she cares most about. She seems as emotionally attached to other people as you are detached, but in her devotion to you she's the same. Gently, slowly, she parts your nether lips, tongue sliding into you, the taste finally changing from Neke to hyena.

Lysette's false eyes quietly water, and holds tighter shut. She's had the Neke blasted from her body. Her mate has just finished what might have been the last piece of the puzzle to let them into hers. But, it had to happen, on some level.. Her legs bend, rest apart - so infrequently is anyone allowed to *really* touch her. Perhaps it hasn't happened before, not like this. She trembles with it, her lips apart for a whistling gasp inward.. The tongue so soft, her mons so swollen, its been so long, it means so much.. Her fingers curl at your shoulders, three claw less tips rubbing on one.. Words don't pass through the datalinks.. caresses, her arms, gentle, gone with a wisp, but so close, so encasing.. the cradles you, in that way, all that you are, and within, for a moment, you are safe, she knows..

Kehari gently laps at you, teasing one side and then the other, shivering with emotion, sexual tension, perhaps something more. This is where she wants to be, right now. Nestled close to her other half, safe and secure, worshipping, caring, loving, touching, pleasing with finger and tongue, touch and caress, working you to fire that liquid heat, raise you up...

Lysette's ego sincerely extends around you, allows her to empathize with you like no other. It doesn't make it an easy thing always, but it gives her so much.. Her legs press back further, her white furred sex, all the stripes leading to it, the black line and dark interior, all offered to you - one might boil it down to a physical exchange, or claim a biological need of some sort, a simple function. But no, its more complex than - that's too simple, too nebulous. It is only within a frame that she is free, and her frame includes you. Her hands slowly stroke as her body trembles, little tears welling, but they have no where to go, gravity isn't their friend after all.. As she moans, its almost a sob, and the gentle touch pulls her right to the edge, subdued in body, but reeling in mind.

Kehari knows what this means to you, and it means just as much to her. You don't open up to many, but the two of you have no secrets from each other, no boundaries with each other. This is your gift to her, your way of showing the love and trust you have in her, and she would be remiss if she didn't echo the deed by showing you the grace you so deserve. Dabs become licks that change into deep probings, the vixen's tongue and muzzle almost bottoming out inside you, still slow but no less exciting.

Lysette's teeth click and clatter just a moment before her jaw hangs wide. Her legs flinch in just a hair, then push out, tensed, far, her hips up to you, her sex exposed, her body given to you, her mind wrapped not only around you, but with you, her thoughts, her emotions quietly touching, corresponding, but not forced, not overwhelming, just a call, a cry to you, something louder yet at the same time less harsh than the trembling moan she suddenly gives. Around your tongue she clenches, she holds, and then, she breaks into a flurry, dozens of little pulses, her belly tensing and drawing the hyena into a bit of a bend, the fur all along her back bristled into the air as she climaxes easily and intensely, wonderful release from so much tension, one wherein her thoughts were not on doing, but on being..

Kehari pants in you and on you as she feels you climax around the end of her muzzle, hands gently stroking your flanks, tongue touching you softly, letting your climax soar just a little bit longer. She isn't thinking of the impending change, she's only thinking of you and this, this perfect moment, each in their roles, perfectly happy, wanting to fix this in her mind, something to remember and return to.

Lysette's long held tension breaks with a tremble, the girl, free of Neke, leaving you with her own taste in your maw, that odd mix of hyena and machine, of natural and unnatural, though its designed all to work together, designed all to be a good thing. She doesn't think of the change, she thinks of the reality of the moment. This is something to look to, to reach out for, to hold dear to her heart. Perhaps a bit of flash in the ROM, just a touch for something to hold close.. this would be hard to lose, regardless.. Her legs eventually relax, her body slowly goes limp, only her hands holding your shoulders, holding closely as her moan trials into quiet, whistling pants, and the ceiling is illuminated in a hazy violet by half opened, totally unfocused eyes, distorted only a little by her rusty glasses.

Kehari graces your mons with a parting kiss, then gently drifts up along your body to take you in her arms, hold you close and comfort you as you slowly come back down from heaven. The vixen nuzzles you, safe in your arms as you are in hers, safe in each other.

Lysette's arms quietly rise. They curl under yours, they pull you a little too, they wrap around and twine, twins together, as poles of the same magnets, completion of each other's deficiencies, that which allows a true and full being. Neither of them are lesser for it, and the whole is greater than the two of them as individuals added alone. Hyena nuzzles vixen, and nuzzles the half of herself she must let slip from her hands, in order to remain with her, ultimately. Blissful hyena, touched upon for one more moment, even though there's not the usual giggling and grins. Quiet tender nuzzling, knowing and intense in the smallest of brushes, without the world that would require them to be so loud to be heard. Whispers are the loudest here, alone, the most meaning full, screams and shouts only excess, for the time.

Kehari simply floats with you for a time, gently and desperate to remember this, trying to stave off the depair of the knowledge that this may be the last time she gets to spend with you for quite some time. If ever. No, she's not going to poison the moment with that.

Lysette keeps a slow, steady thrum up, a white nose - not so much that the moment can't be remembered. Just enough so that there's something that can be focused on instead of all the possible poisons of despair. Its not really white nose.. its quiet touches and caresses, physical and through dataspace. Its swirling fingers, and the slow click of her tail. Its post coital bliss, shared.

Kehari almost nods off, she's so relaxed. In fact, she's more relaxed than she's been in days. She looks up, bumping her muzzle against yours. "We should get back to the Heliquary," she murmurs. "sabina will be wondering where we got to..."

Lysette's lips touch your cheek, and leave a soft kiss.. "Lets then.." she nods softly.. "I don't want the kitten to be lonely. She'll have a hard time if I'm not there for her, too.." she smiles a bit, and gives you a soft clench.. "Just relax.. "I'll glide us there. Watch the scenery float by. I do it riding others often enough.. Its amazing what one otherwise fails to appreciate, sometimes.." she chuffs softly. And quietly, she pulls you out of the amber field with a grapple, and drifts out with you.

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Last edited October 2, 2004 12:59 am by Lysette (diff)