Trancend/Experience 1

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Warrens Entrance.

What looked like a vaguely blue-green sheen to part of the floor oozes itself back into a mass as Trancend is passing through. A small bit of it forms a hand and waves. "Heya, Trans, and Cend." The voice is familiar, as is the plasm.
Trancend look around when they hear the voice, then blink at the hand rising from the thin puddle on the floor. Trans glances down at his right foot, and starts looking extremely awkward as he realizes that /that's/ what he stepped in this time. Cend starts giggling. "Coalesce, isn't it? Sorry about Trans, he doesn't normally pay attention to what he steps in..."
Coalesce gives a heave, and pulls himself back together slowly. "Yes...I can tell. Did you /really/ have sausage and gravy for lunch?" He stands up. "I was just maximizing surface area to recharge a bit."
Trans goes from looking awkward to looking confused, glancing over at his sister. She smirks. "Something like that, I guess you could say. Recharging?" Cend seems at least mildly interested in how the plasm-dragon works, "We thought you just sorta engulfed stuff and dissolved it, like a fancy single-celled organism. No offense or anything."
Coalesce chuckles. "Ah...nope. I could do that if I wanted, but I'm not a giant ameoba. I usually just soak up light. Normally I wouldn't need to really do so, because there's enough light around...but last night I had this insane sex with FrostByte and.....uh..." He trails off. "Should I be saying that? Eh, nevermind."
Cend smiles, while Trans chuckles a bit. "Say no more." The twins sync, amused. "We haven't had our turn with him yet, but from what we've heard..." The twins wink. "It might make us melt into a puddle of goo, too."
Coalesce giggles. "And I'm /already/ a puddle of goo. I think I did some good things for him too, I hope. Speaking of which...did you know I'm apparently a Bonobian?"
The twins look impressed. "You /are/?" There's a gleam of...something, anyway, behind Trans' eyes. "That's intriguing."
Coalesce sidles up to the twin cheetahs, rather slinkily. " short they're a faction that likes to fuck. A lot. And have it programmed genetically into themselves."
It takes a moment for this to sink in for the twins, but when it does...they grin. Oh, do they ever grin. Cheshire cats have nothin' on these two right now. "So..." They sync, "We're safe in assuming you're more than willing to take us up on that offer we made earlier?"
Coalesce presses up against one of the cheetahs, stretching a hand onto the other's. "I think I'm well equipped for it now, yes."
Trancend glance at each other, then squeeze in on either side of Coalesce. "In that case," They whisper, leaning in and grinning like fools, "Care to demonstrate?"
Coalesce looks at one, then the other. "That still creeps me out, you talking in unison. But anyhow...first things first. I caught all /sorts/ of interesting things over the mind link, mostly from horny kitty, you. Question was, do I attempt for both of you at once? I can concentrate enough to do so, it's no matter of processing power...just curious if you wanted to be, well, stuck together."
Trancend chuckle as one, and Cend hefts up a coil of their cable. "Do you really think that's a problem?" Trans asks, followed by Cend's reassurance of "He showed me everything you two tossed back and forth, Coalesce, and we wouldn't be here if one of us didn't agree. To be honest, it's something we've never done before..."
Coalesce twins arms around both Trans and Cend. There seem to be more than just two arms. "Can't really say I have either. So! I've got an idea that would be easier on us you two know of a zero-gee room around here? That'd be much easier than worrying about weight ratios and where to lie down."
Trans smirks as the twins snuggle in close against the almost-liquid dragon. "There's one in the Purple Cat. Never used it, ourselves..." "But it sure is an entertaining idea, even though I don't particularly enjoy the thought of having things bounce around in there." Cend finishes with a wink. "You know where the Cat is?"
Coalesce chuckles. "I should, shouldn't I? Bouncing around wasn't my idea, just curling in the bottom of a gravity-well is the idea. Less stressful. Why don't you lead the way?"
Trans grins. "Cend's worried about her tits flopping around without any gravity to keep 'em in place, that's all." Cend lightly smacks her brother on the back of the head and grins. "Thought you'd /never/ ask..."
Coalesce laughs out loud. "Oh come'on! They'd turn into nice little spheres!"
Cend snickers. "They're mostly water, so they'd slosh around a bit." She glances down at her cleavage and shrugs. "Not like there's much there /anyway/, though..."
BottomWarp - > Purple Cat - Zero Gee Room
This room is shaped like a bubble, soft curves of strumulite surround you and give you a feeling of comfort as it would be highly unlikely to cause any harm should you be unused to weightless conditions. This room is extraordinarily bare compared to the main room. Only a few toys float here and there and no purple felines can be found. A soft, rubber hose equipped with a valve protrudes from the wall and can be used to release strumulite for you to make things with. A door leads <out> to the main area of the club.

Trancend smile as they enter the room, casually stripping off their clothing. This is accompanied by the sound of velcro-tear and snaps popping open. "So..." They sync, serenely floating in place, clothes drifting toward the far side of the sphere. "Where'd you like to start?"
Coalesce looks around. "Oooh, perfect. Standard controls looks like, let's see." He sticks out a psuedopod to interface with the wall. Moments later, there's a pull towards the center of the room that gets very gradually stronger, until the cheetahs and the plasm are tugged gently into the gravitation center of the room.
Trancend don't seem notice the tug at first, only reacting when they find themselves cuddling into the plasm. "Interesting..." They're still synced, still smiling, "Can't help but wonder how we'll get out, but that'll come later..."
Coalesce clumps into the very center, already pressed up against the cheetahs. " to start, yes." He slips a tendril up along Cend's chest, and another along Tran's firm buttocks. Other parts of him are squished nicely warm in between them. "Get out? Bah, it can wait, yes."
Cend's smile widens when she feels the tendril slithering up under and between her breasts, while Trans squirms enticingly against the one paying attention to his rear. "We take it you're self-lubricating...?" Is that a hint of a purr? Hard to tell which of the two it's coming from. Probably both.
Coalesce sends ripples down along his length, the equivilant of a chuckle. He tweaks Cend's nipples and just under Trans' tail at the same time, intended to send nice simultaneous cross-echoes along their link. "Baby, I /am/ your own personal smart lube." He's getting into the role now, as more small feelers spread themselves across the cheetahs, sticking them together farther.
Trancend, obligingly, squirm against the tendrils molesting their respective bodies. They don't mind whatsoever when they feel the goo 'melting' along their skin. "Y'gonna keep us in /agony/ like this all night...?" They sync, teasingly. "Or are we gonna have to try an' force th' matter...?"
Coalesce trickles experimentally up and into the hole under Trans' tail. It's smooth going in, a very thin stream, just a little cooler than the ambient temperature. Another one slides into Cend's mouth. His voice comes from...somewhere. "Force the matter? I'll do the matter-forcing, thank you."
Trans mmms and squirms back against the invading bit of plasm, his body providing less resistance than one might think. He's probably been partying too much lately. Cend grins around her tendril, gently suckling on it in a teasing sort of way, almost daring Coalesce to go further. But then, isn't that the point of this exercise?
Coalesce is completely bodiless at this point, though there's a lot of his mass still pooled in the center of gravity. "I think I have to admit I'm still nervous. But if it's going to happen, it's going to happen." The bit in Cend's mouth floods up and fills it, spilling down her throat. The other one in Trans surges farther as well, filling up into his ass while another tendril wraps itself abruptly around his cock.
Cend doesn't flinch or for that matter gag on the plasm flowing down her throat. Given her background, this can't be too suprising. She's still smiling around the intrusion, not minding a bit at this entirely new feeling. Trans, on the other hand, yowlps a bit at the sudden flow increase. He tenses for a moment, then relaxes into the flow again.
Coalesce keeps pumping fluid slowly into both of the first entry points, carefully feeling his way along inside. In Cend's case, she finds her lungs seeping in with liquid, like having a bad cold. The difference is that this liquid carries its own oxygen supply to exchange with the blood cells in the capillaries. It's a weird feeling, to be breathing through liquid. For Trans, the harder part is when the plasm swirls itself around his erect cock...then passes down through the tip and inside. It's a tiny pain compared to the greater pleasure, given how constricted the opening is, but it passes quickly--the plasm is very smooth.
Coalesce meanwhile spreads himself all along the cheetah's bodies, spreading thinner to move towards more entry holes.
Trans' only noticable reaction to the invasion of his cock is a small, sharp jerk of his hips before things even out. Then he relaxes, not quite sure what's being put where anymore, but enjoying the unfamiliar twinges anyway. On the other side of the thinning lump of plasm, Cend half-coughs out of reflex before she clamps down on herself and...stops breathing entirely, once she notices she's not blacking out. Interesting party trick, that. Neither of the twins seems to mind as the bulk of Coalesce's material flows over them, each of them going so far as to attempt to reach -through- the plasm to embrace each other.
Coalesce tugs gently with what remains outside of the twins' bodies, pulling them closer together. The plasm isn't binding at all, yet. The perceptual bottom of the gravity well certainly helps to keep everyone together. He seems to be encouraging them to press up against each other, since it decreases his effort. Once they are firmly embracing each other, with a good deal of his substance smushed in between, he starts wrapping around their backs and exerting just the smallest amount of pressure to keep them there. Anything that might happen to them naturally in this state is allowed to happen. Trans is already lubed up anyway, and the plasm is starting down towards Cend's lower half too. It would only take a kiss to transfer what she's breathing to him.
Subtly, a tiny bit of plasm seeps into ports on the cheetahs' cable to establish or leech a connection to both of them.
Trancend look at each other and smile through the plasm between them. They lean forward and, meeting halfway, the twins lock lips with each other. There's a bit of tongueplay as they embrace, eyes drifting shut. Cend even goes so far as to slide her legs around Trans' waist, but they're taking it slow for now and letting Coalesce do as they asked. There's no outward indication they notice any sort of tampering with their connection, as used to the mediated extensions as they are. Any sort of linetap would be picking up a raw bolus of sensation, emotion, and thought coming from each of the twins anyway, both feeds heavily but not impossibly encrypted.
Coalesce slips down into Trans' throat through the kiss, slipping in naturally along with the slick saliva along the tongue. There's just a barely perceptable tingly sensation when the tongues press together with the plasm in betwen, more a kinetic reaction of the nanocells. Trans encounters the same eerie feeling initially of his lungs filling with the plasm, and now both of their stomachs are starting to fill up with the substance as well. They're going to be /really/ clean by the time this is over, the plasm reacting to temporarily neutralize stomach acids and absorb what else might be left inside. Up behind Trans the liquid is still flowing into his tailhole, ripples running up along the length bigger and smaller, for the sheer sensation of it.
A complex subroutine processor the size of a teardrop attached to the conduit's junction begins work on decypting the signals. It's not difficult work since the plasm has connected through this junction before. Not likely the activity is noticable yet, since the twins have their attentions /quite/ taken up at the moment.
Trans, realizing what's happening in his chest, borrows his sister's breathing reflex suspension trick. There's a pulse of outside-the-norm data across the link an instant beforehand, probably the skillsoft being copied and transfered over. As soon as the rippling starts, however, Trans' reflexes overpower the software just long enough to pull a very liquid gasp before he starts squirming and gyrating around the gut-filling intrusion. Neither of the twins has noticed the tampering with their link so far, too caught-up to notice anything other than the increasing array of sensations as their internals are saturated with plasm.
Coalesce's substance finally creeps in along Cend's nether regions, slipping quickly up into her through both tailhole and pussy. He's not wasting time now, swelling just a bit bigger than needed in her sex before going back down to a medium thickness. As the two kiss the liquid flows completely over and around their muzzles, into mouths and noses. The bladders are another curious sensation, filling from the opposite end first, whatever waste fluid there being collected and spirited away one molecule at a time by nanodisassemblers. Their eyes being closed in the initial kiss, Coal takes the opportunity to flow up and over their heads as well, closing off vision for now. He's thin enough to be nearly transparent, but that's only if they could actually open their eyes.
On the conduit, the plasm gains access to the thoughtfeeds of the twins, merely listening for now. He's proud to be so sneaky, but hasn't thought of anything particularly evil to do...yet.
The twins aren't really 'saying' much to each other right now, content simply to echo sensations back and forth at each other. Trans in particular seems to be enjoying the odd sensation of having his gut and bladder filled, while Cend seems more concerned with the plasm buildup in her stomach and flowing into her lower body. There's the occasional positive snippet about stretching from one or the other from time to time, but nothing really coherent. Occasionally, either out of reflex or just for fun, either of the twins' various sphincters constricts around the intruding material. Yea, they're getting a kick out of this alright.
The twins' link, strangely enough, seems to have a third branch on it that's collecting all the data from this experience. Very little poking around would reveal it's a datachip, the same kind they use to distribute their sensory records on. Maybe this explains the lack of mental exchange.
From the outside, the mass of tangled bodies might look confusing, but it's beginning to subside as the features are smoothed over by the encroaching plasm. Coalesce has covered all the collected mass of the cheetah's fur except their tails, and those are about halfway done, to be added when they curl them in closer. From the inside, the plasm in Trans' stomach is curling its way down inside and finally meets up with the lower component somewhere in the lower intestine. A small contracting ripple runs from his tailhole all the way up through his mouth and out, passing into Cend's joined-at-the-tongue mouth and down. Her side is nearly complete as well, while the occasional expansion in her vagina is echoed by brief squeezing on Trans' cock nearby.
A small tendril shoots itself out from the central mass and lands with a splatter onto the environment controls near the door. The lights immediately go out, pitching the room into total darkness.
Then the strobe lights flash.
There's a bit of bubbly mental giggling as the lights start up, the twins noticing the overall change despite having their eyes shut. 'This no breathing stuff is neat', Trans' mind-voice quips to his sister as he explores her mouth with his tongue, unaware of the linetap. Cend squirms around the mass of plasm running through her digestive tract, and tries valiently to get the tentacle filling her pussy to go yet deeper, quite happily squirming against and around it either way.
Trans' own gyrations are slightly more subdued than his sister's, instead spiked with the occasional forward twitch of his hips against the material connecting the plasm filling his bladder to the outside world. Seems he's quite content to have his body filled like this, experiencing something similar to what he used to only find in his sister's body.
Coalesce picks up enough of Cend's intent through her subtle actions, but of course also through a few stray thoughts, to oblige her, coursing farther in and thicker than before. The route up through the intestines has finally completed the circuit in her stomach, and the same ripple more like a test passes up through the tailhole, through the convolutions and stomach and out her mouth, down Trans' mouth, and back out again. Trans' cock is being nicely handled from both outside and in, pressed up against his sister's taut belly. The twins are now completely subsumed in the strange liquid. But of course, it doesn't stop there.
At the moment when the lights go out, the plasm has finished the total circuit of himself through two doughnut-shaped kitties, as well as finalizing the connection on the transfer cable to be two-way. Then the strobe lights flash, once. A sunburst in the darkened room, energy transferred to the surface of the plasm and translated into bursts of spiralling data-excitation along his surface like a million pinprick vibrators buzzing just once. Almost every photon in the sudden spray can be felt individually or as a whole. The sense of all this is shot backwards through the link and rattles around into the cheetah's minds.
Distracted by the full-body ripple, Trancend's minds are sent reeling by the sudden input, torn between wondering where it came from and enjoying every moment. Their minds rattle with pleasure as their bodies try to compensate some way, any way for the information overload. Cend, barely recovering, takes the initiative and slides herself up along Trans' body. A quick positioning check with one hand and she pulls herself onto Trans' cock, somehow managing to fit it into her already-loaded sex. Then it's Trans' turn, not having recovered and instead operating on instinct, gently pumping himself in and out of his sister.
Coalesce's substance inside of Cend's pussy slides easily out of the way. It's only hard when it wants to be, unlike what's now filling her. The plasm slides easily between them, a very active lube for their grinding. Little ripples circulate again through one digestive system, then another, one or two completing the circuit in opposite directions. Then the lights flash again, and the entire plasm surface inside and out convulses. Minutely, as in most cases there's no room left for it to move, but it's felt.
A sensation of a giggle comes along down the pirated line between the two following the second info-flash. It's clear who tapped in, though the plasm is just as wordless by now, processing all the unique sensations of the flesh he's wrapped himself up in, plus the flickers of sweet sweet sunburst-bright illumination that comes from the outside. Echoes of Trans and Cend's own thoughts and feelings swirl around in his medium, remix and recombine, and are reflected back upwards in scattered profusion into their minds again with the surge of light and power.
Trancend pause for few moments, shuddering from sensations along with the photoactive plasm, before they return to the buisness of screwing each other's brains out. There's a gentle, harmonious giggle over the link as they realize they've been tapped in yet another way. Something large, digital, and dense seems to get pulled out of the way, and their minds are as open and free to invade as their bodies are. 'You wonderful, beautiful /bastard/, you...' is about the only coherent thought from the twins, synced and spiked with pleasure and respect.
Coalesce feels the sudden firewalls and intervening barriers between the twins ease off into nothingness, and his access drifts towards unrestricted. He spirals their thoughts off each other, stealing their perceptions and racing them down through his substance for a microsecond's tour of the interior of their own bodies then back again, back to the full-on session, their bodies running on the automatic hindbrain's instructions. The brother and sister are probably used to sharing thoughts, especially during sex, but it's getting harder to keep track of who's who. More than merely swapping minds, the boundaries are starting to blur between their dinstinct minds, their bodies, and the warm loving liquid that invades /everything/ and is another, temptingly vaster mind. The mental presence of the plasm courses a glee that is enhanced by their own, keeping them from getting lost in the multicellular 'storage' spaces.
And the lights flash...faster.
Coalesce spins off the energies pumping in from the strobe lights and plugs the cheetah's mind/perceptions/thoughts back into their actual bodies just in time for their bodies to rise closer to climaxing. If he mixed up Trans and Cend into the wrong bodies, it was quite possibly intentional. Just enough of his own presence remains linked into the near-gestalt to ride their bodies' sensations, while his own substance roils and quivers all over them inside and out from the now-pounding strobe lights. He boils without heat, bubbles of energy sending compression waves in and through the cheetahs.
Trancend writhe and squirm against each other in the middle of the mass of plasm, Trans' body still merrily pumping into Cend as if to spite whatever forces are at work on the twins' minds. They're so far gone, attention-wise, overwhelmed with sensation and unfamiliar input, trying to pull everything into a coherent display and failing so exquisitely, so delightfully, that they fail to notice being returned to the body of their opposite. The compression wave blindsides the twins, and flings them bodily over the edge of orgasm. Cend's body clenches, spasms, and tries to rip out a scream around her the plasm filling her lungs. Trans' body reflexively grabs his sister's hips and slams her down on his cock, completely oblivious to any potential complications from the plasm threading into it.
Coalesce is already in the midst of pulling swiftly but smoothly out of the twins' bodies, as he doesn't want the final contractions to tear up their insides. He leaves enough on the periphial edges--e.g. Trans' and Cend' tailhole, their mouths, and lube between the two's fiercly active sexes. Just as his surface from the outside goes abruptly dark, sucking all the bursts of illumination into itself and hoarding the energies for release, he catches the surge of double-orgasms from both the cheetahs. Through the uplink he somehow intercepts the potent sensation and captures in in buffer, looping it in on itself. You know how two mirrors and some cohesive light can create a laser? He bounces the orgasm off itself, post-and-preprocessed for multiple echoes....holding it to grow stronger.
Abruptly all the light in the room is pulled in, the plasm contracts safely, but strongly, pressing all around the twins. Light pinpricks crawl along the utterly black surface, growing and merging to spill outward into a cool inferno of light...bursting all the pent up energy away in a great wash. At the very moment of photogasm, the internal buffer of tantric energy held in reserve floods back into the twin's minds and overrides the bodies into shuddering into the most compressed, multiplied, echoing full-bodies orgasm...
Trancend, having assumed the worst was over, are blindsided again by the sudden rush of orgasm. The twins' minds are knocked for a loop, and their bodies revert to old-fashioned hindbrain impulses. Trans' body, despite having expended itself already, does what it can to muster up a second performance. Cend's body, on the other hand, makes use of her freshly-cleared airway by belting out with an intense, orgasmic scream as it's wracked with an attempt to match what's washing over her through the link. right in Trans' ear. Poor guy.
Coalesce's shudders in the midst of the concentrated whirling maelstrom of orgasms go from micro bubbles to macro writhings, to sudden stillness abruptly. The plasm looses most of its drive and pools into a loose sphere surrounding the two cheetahs. The connection along the link is still there, though the orgasm-laser has already been depleted. There's a sensation of something like a sunset, like a vast glow diminishing across a great distance. And the persistant telling giggle of Coalesce's that is his way of feeling absurdly proud in his sly little bit of mind-hacking.
Trancend smile, surrounded as they are by the plasm, and cuddle up against each other. The setting may be odd, but basking in the afterglow is still a tradition for them. There's still no coherent thoughts going over the link, just an assortment of pleasure-static along the frequencies. Moments later, they kiss, slow and long and deep, the way one would expect lovers to do.
Coalesce basks in the scattered reflections of the moment as well. He's kissing them, always and all over at the same time. Tiny sensations of warmth and prickliness, ultimately relaxing, flicker all over them. Like what he felt with the lights, except tactile. Speaking of which, the strobe light in the room seems to have blown itself out...or the light's been sucked from it. Either way, it's dark again.
Coalesce sends quietly, along the link, tiredly but with some amusement...'So I'm a /bastard/, am I?'
Trancend don't seem to notice, or if they do notice they don't care, that the lights have gone out. Their conciousness bubbles up from someplace inside their minds, woozy and not quite sure what's going on, but happy. 'Words...' 'Just can't describe...' 'How downright amazing that was.' Their minds, still unsure of the proceedings, have synced by the third portion. It's like having one of them whispering in each ear. 'Yes, you are. A wonderful, amazing, beautiful, and downright fantastic one.' Yes, it's a complement, even if it is rather roundabout.
Coalesce sends a chuckle. "I wonder if I didn't just invent a new weapon. Orgasmic lasers," and, "You're...welcome. You guys are really cool, too."[OOC] Trancend says, "Can you strap them to sharks?"
[OOC] Coalesce says, "Sharks with frickin orgasmatrons strapped to their heads! *giggles madly* "

Trancend giggle, something like bubbling liquid crystal. 'Maybe.' 'Kinda need to get close to use it, though.' The twins turn their heads to either side and kiss the plasm itself, Cend probing into it with her tongue while Trans applies a bit of suction. 'You're incredible.'
Coalesce pushes up against their faces just a little, providing more substantial mass to kiss. 'Ssssh. Do you want my ego to grow to fill my entire mindspace? I was just doing what any blue-celled plasm would do. Not that I /know/ any other plasm.'
'Oh, come on.' 'A big ego never hurt anybody.' The twins seem entertained, judging by the smiles splitting their faces. 'It's other large things that hurt, sometimes.'
Coalesce seems to consider. 'Okay, I accept your praise. Just keep it under your hat, or next thing you know they'll /all/ want one.' He's joking, of course. There's even remnants of his thoughts swirling around the reason he was recharging in bottomwarp, flickered images of him being rather kinky with FrostByte a night or two ago. 'I wasn't too large, eh? Slippery anyway.'
Cend smiles and squirms appreciatively around what's left inside her. 'Right up to the limit, which is just large enough. And that /length/...' She shudders happily. 'I know I'll be keeping that simchip around for later.'
Trans smirks, still idly toying with the plasm around his face. 'What she said, and I didn't know having my /bladder/ of all things filled like that would be so intense...'
Coalesce hees. 'I know I'm keeping it around, and I don't even need simchips. Glad I didn't go too far, I did worry despite the anatomy data you gave me on both of you. Length? You /did/ want to be filled all up, hm?' He considers, 'I don't think I left anything inside, but if I did it shouldn't be /too/ big a problem...'
Trancend giggle a bit and shrug. 'Everything feels intact. You're plenty soft enough to go exploring inside biologicals.' 'Though I'm not sure my dick will ever be the same again...' Trans isn't complaining, though. The feel is sort of the crushed-leather of friendly teasing. 'We should do this more often. It's refreshing!'
Coalesce nudges Trans' side in a motion that, if done by an actual bodied sentient, would be like punching him in the arm friendly-like. 'Hey, it's an opening, though a small one. Teeny. Tiny. Er...yes. I'm glad I could keep coherent enough control. Your guys' energy is something I'm unused to. I'm going to have to recharge for a /while/.'
Trans snickers. 'It was worth it, wasn't it? And who knows, y'might get used to it.' Cend's voice cuts in as her brother finishes. 'Would it be too rude of us to ask for a regular pipe-cleaning like this? It feels real nice, an' we don't have to get off /every/ time...'
Coalesce chuckles. 'I'd consider it, yeah. I don't get as much energy from it as I do from, say, that strobe. But it's not all that bad. Kinda fun.'
'Can you capture radio- or microwave radiation?' Cend's mindvoice is curious, looking for a way to help. 'If you can, I might have just the thing...'
'Hm, I haven't tried microwave, but yeah, I can pickup/decode radio waves. They tickle.'
Cend grins and tilts her head back, looking toward the local up. 'In that case...' She flicks on her third-eye sensor cluster for a moment, emitting along most of the nonvisible EM spectrum before shutting it off. 'How's that?'
Coalesce ripples a little bit. "Oooh, that was pretty cool. What was it? I've got most of my visual sensor array off."
Cend shrugs under the gelcoat. 'Pretty much everything on either side of visable-spectrum. It's a neat little gadget I found in Up ages ago, and I just /had/ to have it.' Trans snickers a bit, 'Yea. Same place I got my filtering system. How'd you bypass that thing, anyway...?'
Coalesce is a bit surprised. 'Filtering system? Oh, the firewall? didn't take it down for me?' He does seem to feel rather clever for it still.
Trans shakes his head. 'Nah, that was the firewall. We trust you, so you've got full access now. I meant the contaminant filter that replaced most of my throat.' One of his hands strays up to his neck, and he runs his fingers along the metal tracework there.
Coalesce ahs. "Oh, that. It does still allow some liquid past, right? I'm...mostly liquid?"
Cend shrugs. 'It was supposed to be a be-all, end-all airborne and liquid contaminant filter, but it's been modified a bit...' She mentally eyes Trans and smirks. 'We both like Merge a bit more than what might be considered normal.'
Coalesce hehs. "Must have thought I was Merge, then. I suppose I'm compositionally similar."
Trans would blink, were his eyes open. Instead he emits confusion. 'You're similar to Merge? In what way?'
Coalesce hms. 'Well, certainly I was like a mental version of Merge...didn't you notice the mixing and weird all-in-one effect during part of it? And...' A mental snicker. "You're still in the wrong bodies. But physically my plasm is fairly similar to the drug, I think. "
The twins take a mental look around, then seem to flicker in suprise. 'Woah. You're good.' They quip, and take a moment to look at an autosummary of just what happened. 'Didn't even /notice/ the entanglement, we were so caught up...' The connection shudders for a split-second as Trancend sort out sensory feeds and the like.
Coalesce sends a beaming grin. 'I figured you were distracted enough. Is that the first time you've been switched without you approving it?'
'First time we've lost track of who's where, too.' Trancend seem suprised, still browsing their systemlogs. 'You had us both in one body...?' 'More than once?' 'And we didn't notice..?'
Coalesce watches the logbrowsing, amused. "You were both in one body, and both in my body for a bit too. It wasn't very long trips, while in the midst of all the other stimulus, so I'm not surprised that fact kinda got lost. Maybe we could try that sometime without as many distractions too."
Trans metally shudders happily at the thought, a respectable smile spreading across his face. 'Well, most bodily functions like breathing aren't conciously controlled...' 'So it should be possible as long as the "empty" body isn't endangered...' Cend finishes.
Coalesce sends the affirmative. "Your bodies were in the middle of screwing and didn't have minds in them. They should be fine. I can keep up the small bit of automatic upkeep anyway, if I'm connected. You've no idea how well I can divide my attention. "
Trancend giggle, remembering exactly what positions they're in at the moment. 'Well, we're getting an idea of how well by this point.' They squirm around a bit, more for effect than anything else. 'Do you have a home version we could, er, borrow?'
Coalesce is loose enough now that squirming about is more like just swimming. Though it's still zero-g, so he's in a bubble-puddle instead of flat on the floor. 'Home version? I don't really have a particular home of my own at the moment, other than random places in Downwarp. But, uh, what do you mean by borrow? I don't know if self-cloning or budding world work well."
Trancend giggle a bit more. 'Something we heard someplace. Basically, a smaller, more portable version of something that gets the same thing done.' The twins that /embarassed/, about /sex/, from /Bottomwarp natives/? Jeez. 'It's just that, well, that felt so damned nice...'
Coalesce can read the intent through the link now, easily enough. "Ah. Of course." He smiles, a bright feeling. "I'll see what I can do..."
'Great, what've we got ourselves into this time...' The twins grumble, but not in an upset manner. More of a self-depreciating humor than anything else.
Coalesce ripples all over the place. "I'd say you've gotten yourselves into /me/." It's only partway a bad joke.
The twins giggle, nodding and smiling. 'And you got yourself into us, so I guess we're even.'
Coalesce chuckles. "So we are. Hm, I've got to go nonverbal and likely alpha-wave recharge mode for a while, here. Is this a safe place to 'sleep'? It's Bottom, of course, but I don't want to keep other sentients from using this zero-g chamber."
Trancend smile. 'The worst that'll happen is someone will think you're a spill and suck you into a shop vac, or someone'll think you're a newfangled sex toy.' There's a bit of mental tittering about this, though. 'You should be fine if you keep along the fringes.'
Coalesce tries to act mock-indignant at the sex toy comment, but he just can't. It's too appropriate. "You sleeping here too?"
Trancend shake their heads. 'As much fun as it'd be, nah. Wanderlust has kicked in.' 'Which is different from our regular lust, in that it involves clothing to more than just a "remove it first" degree.'
Coalesce laughs. 'Okay. I know I'll see you two around again. was fun. Yeah. Seeya."
Trancend snicker, disentangling from each other and gently pushing through the bubble of plasm. 'Sure thing. You-' They shift over to verbal as their cable comes free, "Mind if we distribute the experience? It's absolutely /wild/..."
Coalesce's voice says, "Sure, why not. I wouldn't mind a little fame."
Trancend smile, and Cend leans in to kiss the surface of the sphere again. "We'll be sure to mention you in the opening credits, then." Trans glides towards the twins' clothing, which is stuck to the wall nearby, and then re-vectors for the doorway, landing on his feet. "He's so much better at that than I am..." Cend smiles as she's reeled in by the cable. "Rest well, dear."
Coalesce's voice says, "You too. And thanks!"

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Last edited February 20, 2005 9:26 pm by Kayle (diff)