Building Meeting Feb 2005

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* I won't be able to attend the meeting, as I work this Sunday, but I'll read up on the log after it's over. Damn, and I was very interested in this particular meeting too, as I want to do some more building. Maybe even (gasp!) outside of Downwarp. :-} --Nikolai/Coalesce
* I won't be able to attend the meeting, as I work this Sunday, but I'll read up on the log after it's over. Damn, and I was very interested in this particular meeting too, as I want to do some more building. Maybe even (gasp!) outside of Downwarp. :-} --Nikolai/Coalesce

* I didn't make it either, but there are [comments on LJ] of relevance not to mention [a log of the meeting]... -Morty

Building and Parks meeting, Sunday, Feb. 6th 2005.

Transcript courtesy of XOR:

Agenda - [Cross-posted] from LJ:

Yes, this is the real meeting. :) We'll have a short period at the start for comments and criticism, maybe a half-hour, but the main topic will be building issues, focusing on the Interwarp parks. I'm hoping for a laid-back brainstorming session, just to get some idea what sort of themes the parks should explore and what their collective purpose should be.

My main ambition for the Parks right now is to make something functional. Displays of virtuous @desc-fu are great, but above all the resulting room should be good places for low-key, theme-driven RP. Even if there's no actual code behind any of them, the Parks should at least imply a great deal of interactivity -- the cyberpsychedelic equivalent of jungle gyms, water slides, fountains, picnic areas, petting zoos, tourist traps, and whatnot. They should be places that provoke play.

If I have time, I'll post a list of current park ideas from my own notes. I'll leave it to other people to post their own ideas here. For now, here's the list of Warps so you don't have to work them out yourself:

 Strangetop     Strangebottom    Uptop         Upbottom        Charmdown       Upcharm
 Strangedown    Upstrange        Downtop       Downbottom      Charmtop        Charmbottom

There are no current plans for a Strangecharm, Updown, or Topbottom. We might sneak them in as Easter eggs, or we might be persuaded by a really good idea or The Will Of The Collective.

-- OR

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Last edited February 9, 2005 1:41 pm by Morty (diff)