Jewelbox frequently spins off thin layers of qir substance, though never seems to diminish through it. The layers are independent, sentient, and empathic; they shape themselves into adornments (usually jewelry forms) suited to the aesthetic tastes of one of the beings nearby, and 'give' themselves to that being. Thereafter, unless they are deliberately discarded, they stay with that being, occasionally re-forming themselves -- never at the conscious will of their bearer, but always in eerie accordance with their tastes.
The pieces of jewelry are loyal to their bearers unless discarded, and attend them. (If discarded, they make their way through some unknown means back to Jewelbox, who re-absorbs them.) Jewelbox qirself rarely leaves Charm, and is usually seen with the Bubble Dolls, though whether qe is a member, a toy, a tool, or just a hanger-on is unclear.
Qe is a mask.