History of Characters/Roque

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Revision 11 . . (edit) April 23, 2005 5:58 am by Twin
Revision 10 . . (edit) April 23, 2005 3:22 am by Talib [Bit of cleanup]
Revision 5 . . August 12, 2004 2:05 pm by Roque

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 4c4
:At one-hundred-seventy centimeters tall, Roque seems unremarkable as far as anthropomorphic white rabbits go. What does mark her as unusual is the fine, slightly-irregular cross-stitching that holds her eyelids closed. Her right ear is pierced several times along its outer edge with silver rings, while her left holds a smaller number of dangles and baubles near the base. She wears a black silk robe, trimmed in violet, held in place with a sash the same color as the trim. The strip of silk about her waist is tied offcenter in an ornate, complex bow.
:At first first glance, Roque seems unremarkable as far as anthropomorphic white rabbits go. Her eyes are a deep and vivid blue, standing out boldly from the fur that surrounds them, giving them the illusion of being even larger than they actually are. Her nosepad is dark pink, like the pads of her paws. Her right ear is pierced several times along its outer edge with silver rings, while her left holds a smaller number of dangles and baubles near its base. She currently wears a black silk robe, trimmed in violet, held in place with a sash the same color as the trim. The strip of silk about her waist is tied offcenter in an ornate, complex bow. She looks to be about one-and-three-quarters meters tall, but it's difficult to tell because she's sitting in some sort of elaborate wheeled chair.

Changed: 11c11
:Her eyes are the first in what she hopes to be a long series of self-denials aimed at guided evolution, but are also the result of her first true crisis of faith. When she left the VRC, she outwardly rejected their teachings, but inside she panicked. Absent their worldview, of limited resources and finite existence, what point was there to being self-aware? When everything could be done without question, what was there to do? Her answer came in the form of blindness, of refusing herself the power of sight, that she might learn to operate without it as if she had never seen. She believes that the day she has forgotten she once had eyes will be the day she is free to take them back, to find herself some new limitation to overcome.
:Her eyes were the first in what she hopes to be a long series of self-denials aimed at guided evolution, but are also the result of her first true crisis of faith. When she left the VRC, she outwardly rejected their teachings, but inside she panicked. Absent their worldview, of limited resources and finite existence, what point was there to being self-aware? When everything could be done without question, what was there to do? Her answer came in the form of blindness, of refusing herself the power of sight, that she might learn to operate without it as if she had never seen. She believes that the day she has forgotten she once had eyes will be the day she is free to take them back, to find herself some new limitation to overcome.

Changed: 13c13
:Recently, while climbing the Cube Tree, she realized that her lack of sight was no longer really a hinderance to her mobility, and she has begun investigating the next major limitation in her life. Not everyone around her, though, has taken to this well.
:Recently, while climbing the Cube Tree, she realized that her lack of sight was no longer really a hinderance to her mobility, and she decided the time had come for her to switch to her next disability: the loss of her legs. With Phoenix's help, her sight has been restored to her, but her legs now are immobile, all motor nerves blocked from the waist down. She has control over her basic bodily functions, but little more, and she cannot walk. While most of her lovers and friends have been supportive of this change in her life, however, some people once close to her have not taken to this well.

Changed: 25c25
:Untitled she met through Diafeara, but the two quickly developed a romance built on their shared love of the flamecat and their shared values and beliefs.
:Untitled she met, but the two quickly developed a romance built on their shared love of the flamecat and their shared values and beliefs.

Removed: 31d30
:Diafeara was her first lover, and Roque very much hopes she may one day again consider the flamecat as such, but Roque's talk of her next self-limitation caused Diafeara to end the relationship. Roque's feelings for her haven't changed, but communication between the two has become strained.

Added: 35a35
:Sel is someone very new to her, but as another blind rabbit on the Mess, the two of them developed a quick friendship based on an unusual common trait between them, one that has grown into a mutual recognition of shared values that may well develop further.

Changed: 38c38,40
:Davan will apparently stop at nothing to exert his authority over her, by any means possible.


:Amazing Grace: Once blind, but now I see.

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