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At only 40cm in length and under 300g, Sebkha can't manage vocalizations beyond rapid twittering or dooking. He "speaks" using handsigns, working around his lack of hands by using hand-shaped shadows silhouetted against the luminosity of his surrounding erminetic manifold.
Affecting the pretentious title of Witness to the Death of Worlds, Sebkha claims to be waiting for the end of history. He's quite patient for this to happen naturally rather than helping it along, so he's voyeuristic rather than destructive. He maintains a low social profile, seeking only to insinuate himself into the confidence of people he predicts to be key players in the downfall. He's very polite and not very threatening, not even when attempting to terrorize rodentforms like Squizzle in accordance with his ecological right.
Mel is Sebkha's only known prior associate.
welco m e tot h efol d