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Meliaam dislikes Tweek's powernoize music. She dislikes it enough that she leapt onto him and attempted to tear his throat out. This prompted an immediate dump of amphetamines into his system and caused him to go absolutely psychotic. He beat, strangled, and urinated on her, tore off and ate one of her ears, and then ultimately cut a hole in her stomach and fucked her guts until she died.
Meliaam dislikes Tweek's powernoize music. She dislikes it enough that she leapt onto him and attempted to tear his throat out. This prompted an immediate dump of amphetamines into his system and caused him to go absolutely psychotic. He beat, strangled, and urinated on her, tore off and ate one of her ears, and then ultimately cut a hole in her stomach and fucked her guts until she died. A good time for all involved. :)

 "The crazies demanding to shut out the daylight,"
 "Soldiers are dancing on rotting empires,"
 "TV disease is making us tired,"
 "Death struts the streets,"
 "It's high on the bile."
 "Do you fear for your child?"
 - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, "Do you fear [For your child]?"


Tweek is a Powernoize? addict with an amphetamine dependency. Six vials hooked up to a special delivery system on his shoulders manage an amphetamine supply directly to his bloodstream twenty four hours a day. The brand of amphetamine he uses he creates himself, and noone is quite sure of the exact recipe, but it's been speculated that it's likely a very scummy garage-chemistry hack of sorts.

Due to the fact he's constantly on drugs, Tweek is generally in a VERY happy mood! He can be often found dancing around Downwarp with his miniature analog synthesizer and vocoder making Powernoize and playing various samples in an intensely hyper, almost comedic state. On the flip side, the amphetamines make it very easy to anger him into a psychotic rage, though this rarely happens and usually requires a genuine effort to push him over the edge. In times of great duress, his delivery system has been known to flood him with drugs to the point of amphetamine psychosis.


Tweek is a male anthro rabbit, appearing physically to be around twenty-five years old. He stands around six feet five inches tall and has bright white fur, with black fur that rings his eyes. His eyes are a light blue, and resting above them on his forehead are a pair of black-lensed tanker goggles, modelled after the ones worn in the second Terran world war by the Panzerkorps. His eyes look a bit reddish, as if he were in a constant state of exhaustion.. or drug abuse. Atop his head is a rugged black mohawk of sorts, only a few inches long, the hair matted and unwashed.

The rabbit wears a skin tight black muscle t-shirt with a plain white Iron Cross on the front over his lanky frame. Surrounding the Iron Cross are three circles each within one another, the lines of each distorted to look like digital audio readouts. Metal shoulderguards that look like a football player's padding are mounted on his shoulders, each with three vials of full of yellow liquid plugged in and aligned vertically. The first leaning forward, the second perfectly up on his shoulder, and the third pointing towards his back. The shoulderpads are painted in the traditional black with yellow stripes construction pattern, and seem to be textured with diamond plate. The paint is old and dulled, covered in scratches.

He's skinny and slightly feminine in figure, but it's clear that he's strong none the less, his arms, and especially his thighs toned and muscled. While his upper arms are bare of any decoration, from his elbow down his arms are wrapped in black electrical tape, going down all the way to his hand and stopping just before his knuckles. Around his waist is a thick leather belt with a plain buckle.

The belt neatly holds up a pair of black BDU pants, rather beat up looking and somewhat faded to a depressing shade of grey. The various pockets on the pants seem full of different things, and off one of them hangs an old-fashioned looking syringe, metal with a glass vial. His legs have leather shinguards on them, starting at his knee and going down to the ankle, the leather zippering from behind. The shinguards sport metal studs down the front. His large rabbit feet are left exposed, as boots in his size are rather hard to come by.


Tweek absolutely loves CatToy, mostly because in his mind she's a giant, living sampler. He also found out that she makes an excellent audio preprocessor, and has made Charmdown music with her before.

Meliaam dislikes Tweek's powernoize music. She dislikes it enough that she leapt onto him and attempted to tear his throat out. This prompted an immediate dump of amphetamines into his system and caused him to go absolutely psychotic. He beat, strangled, and urinated on her, tore off and ate one of her ears, and then ultimately cut a hole in her stomach and fucked her guts until she died. A good time for all involved. :)

o.O One must appreciate his sense of restraint during such a passionate yet frank exchange of ideas... -g0
Drugs are bad, mkay? ;^.^; -Meliaam
This is bordering on 'too much information'.
Well, it happened quite in public so I figured I may as well document it.
It should be noted that Inhatti watched the entire proceedings with approval and arousal.

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Last edited December 15, 2004 10:03 pm by Cornelius (diff)