Diafeara: Following an inauspicious, combative beginning, Un and Dia turned a dramatic corner during a period of AI-damaged insanity on the statue's part. Diafeara offered the thoroughly demented Untitled a surprising amount of compassion and comfort, which the bot remembered fondly after the restoration of his AI core. Their ensuing relationship, though an apparent mismatch to many, weathered a turbulent early stretch marked by frequent near-breakups, and evolved into its current state of sturdy, joyfully fierce devotion. Dia and Un are among each other's top sources of emotional support. |
Diafeara: Following an inauspicious, combative beginning, Un and Dia turned a dramatic corner during a period of AI-damaged insanity on the statue's part. Diafeara offered the thoroughly demented Untitled a surprising amount of compassion and comfort, which the bot remembered fondly after the restoration of his AI core. Their ensuing relationship, though an apparent mismatch to many, was passionate and sturdy for a time. Their shared story has recently come to a swift and unfriendly end, and reconciliation seems unlikely, but their time together remains the source of many of the canibot's sweetest memories. |
:"Kehari said something to me, not so long ago, that really honored and touched me...she said she liked that I didn't seem to have an agenda, that I just wanted to be happy with what I'm given, to enjoy the world and those I care about. It felt good, to know she saw me that way...because I do try..." ::-- Untitled, quoting Kehari? |