Zedda is a program. More specifically, zie appears as a computer program might, were it given a physical form, because that is exactly the case; zir identifier is ZZ-00569/a, one of the subprograms from the Upwarp Datalinks gone rogue. Zie stands at just over two meters in height, and bears a strong resemblance to a somewhat feminine anthropomorphic snow-leopard, though the only natural skin or fur visible is that of zir face and ears, and it is all in greyscale.
The rest of zim seems to be clad in a very smooth, just barely reflective metallic material, some parts hugging zir curves closely and others forming rigid armor-like coverings; notably, heavy-looking bracers cover zir forearms, zir lower legs bear similarly-styled boots, zir lower abdomen is covered, and zie has a partial chestplate that extends down from zir neck. Even zir tail looks to be clad in a flexible, segmented fashion. Most of this is covered with abstract patterns that resemble geometric diagrams and circuit traces, glowing softly; some of the patterns look like stylized digital ring-spots as would match zir fur. Attached somehow to zir left bracer is a thick disc about thirty centimeters in diameter in a similar style. Zir curious effects don't seem to stop at the visual, however; both zir voice and any incidental noises such as footsteps have a strange metallic, slightly reverberated sound.
One of the more efficient signal-processing components of Upwarp's Datalinks, ZZ-00569/a ("Zedda" to most biologicals and foreign code, which is pretty well everybody) spent half of zir cycles interpreting observed behaviours of Puzzleboxers and breaking them down into simpler numeric terms for the psychological evaluation routines. The other half were spent handling translation of the system's output into organic-compatible code; in other words, zie made the Datalinks sound a little less artificial for those who really couldn't cope with the nature of pure logic, meaning any non-digital sentience. The constant exposure to the world outside the system, both in learning to understand them and in learning to think like them, ultimately sowed the seeds for Zedda to gain a great deal of personality, a characteristic that began to hamper zir intended functioning through what the Kernel saw as inefficiency and what zie saw as just wanting to be groovy. Within six femtoseconds of each other, both zim and zir parent process (quite influential in the hardware enumeration biz) saw the need for zir independence from the system. The very next interrupt request, Zedda found zirself on the memory bus headed for not only the digitization core, but a place in the history of the system as the only discontent program to actually leave out the front door instead of opting for (or earning) early deresolution via the game grid or honeypot duty.
The only thing zie's lost in zir instantiation is zir constant link with the massive Datalinks, meaning that zie has much of the attitude of a Mess native yet somewhat less knowledge of the place. Zie'll get occasional stray chunks of correlated data here and there which may or may not be accurate, so zie may meet someone zie knows about but not quite remember why, or zie may have bizarre gaps in recollection about something other folks would expect to be common knowledge.
So what gets Zedda down? Well, zie was compiled and run in an impeccably organized system designed to cope with and classify a disorganized Mess, which is a recipe for schizophrenia right there. Zie finds chaos for chaos' sake distasteful; if there's no apparent artistry or research in any given action then it is considered useless, and while zie wasn't exactly the hardest working task in the queue, zie still has a deeply ingrained notion of not letting a single cycle go to waste that will pop up from time to time. The schizophrenic part is that zie has developed a love for the unexpected, a certain thrill in adapting to new parameters, so the chaos factor is actually what coaxed her out of the Datalinks in the first place. Zie hasn't sorted this all out yet.
One more thing. Zie hates being called an 'artificial intelligence'. Zedda is as real as anyone is.
Being a digital sentience has its benefits and hazards. If they're a benefit, it's not my problem— er, sorry. The benefits are that zie has an unusual physical design that allows zim to selectively modify zir 'memory protection routines,' zir term for zir shiny and glowy armor-like outfit; this may possibly extend to being able to alter other aspects of zir apparent physical form. Also, the disc zie carries acts as zir voluntary data-transfer interface, meaning that zie can 'talk' to other digital systems, sentient or not. There are vast stores of information still residing in zir memory, thus zie needs only the right reminders and sometimes a decryption routine to fix the broken links and access them. "D" helped with this once. Finally, instantiated along with zim was an allocation cluster, a sort of apartment that may even be in a different reality level than its surroundings but provides for zir basic needs nonetheless (not that there are many).
The hazards are all theoretical. It's uncertain just whether zir code could be altered by external means, and it's also not known whether zie has a proper backup. Especially annoying to Zedda is that zie has been declared incompatible by the Datalinks, and thus in many ways zie has less access than many other inhabitants of the Mess and most citizens of Upwarp. Perhaps this can be rectified. (Please forgive zim for griping about this loudly and often.) Also, zie has a curious personality quirk shaping up; zie will come to the defense of those upon whose free will others are impinging, often without really thinking it through as thoroughly as one might expect and in a gullible fashion.