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* Four people thinking about lamia at about the same time. Thoughts of porting a lamia character over from another MUCK, someone shifting into more lamia-y forms, a dream about lamia, and PC-generation of a new snake-character. As recorded [here], mostly. (Hope you don't mind, Twin.)
* Four people thinking about lamia at about the same time. Thoughts of porting a lamia character over from another MUCK, someone shifting into more lamia-y forms, a dream about lamia, and PC-generation of a new snake-character. As recorded [here], mostly. (Hope you don't mind, Twin.) (I'm cool with it. And then the next day I met Selena... and felt even spookier.)

A meaningful coincidence. Communication somehow happening where there was none. Unintentional synchronized co-occurances. Many cultures and religions believed that divine messages could be conveyed through these events: asking a question and then finding its symbolic answer, or stumbling on something you were just talking about, or being in the right place at the right time to meet the person who has the other peice of the map. The principle upon which bibliomancy and several other forms of divination are based.

See [Wikipedia's entry on synchronicity] for a disappointing definition that only speaks of the Jungian angle, despite how those events been acknowledged throughout the world before him, with other terminology.

A Collection of Coincidences

Among other things, this is a page for collecting examples of the many astonishing synchronicities that ripple through the Walls as Puzzlebox itself seems to assert itself as a hive-mind, smirking, casually revealing connections between the players that seem eerily telepathic.

I drew this before finding out the Lamplighter Faction existed in Hestril's territory, and this entry seems to have been created simultaneously.
- Sandstorrm

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Last edited November 13, 2004 12:34 pm by Twin (diff)