Concepts/Von Neumann

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Changed: 2c2
John von Neumann (1903-1957) was a mathematician who pioneered non-linear equations and game theory. He is notable for his study of the math of cellular automata -- self-replicating machines that could create more of themselves. Some reckon von Neumann as the father of nanotechnology?.
John von Neumann (1903-1957) was a mathematician who pioneered non-linear equations and game theory. He is notable for his study of the math of cellular automata -- self-replicating machines that could create more of themselves. Some reckon von Neumann as the father of nanotechnology.

Changed: 4c4
Von Neumann Practices refer to the philosophy and laws regulating the creation of self-replicating machines. Naturally, nano-technology cannot be permitted to simply run rampant, consuming any and all resources. Enlightened societies strictly regulate their use. In an age where philosophy supercedes want, the politics of Von Neumann laws is a subject for hot debate.
Von Neumann practices refer to the philosophy and laws regulating the creation of self-replicating machines. Naturally, nanotechnology cannot be permitted to simply run rampant, consuming any and all resources. Enlightened societies strictly regulate their use. In an age where philosophy supercedes want, Von Neumann laws are a subject for hot debate.

Changed: 6c6
Von Neumann Practices refer only to machines or beings that create exact copies of themselves, such as self-replicating nanites, although many argue that cloning also falls under this definition. Proponents of limiting Von Neumann practices advocate diversity against stagnation, variety against uniformity.
Von Neumann laws have jurisdiction only to machines or beings that create exact copies of themselves, such as self-replicating nanites, although many argue that cloning also falls under this definition. Proponents of limiting Von Neumann practices advocate diversity against stagnation, variety against uniformity.

Von Neumann

John von Neumann (1903-1957) was a mathematician who pioneered non-linear equations and game theory. He is notable for his study of the math of cellular automata -- self-replicating machines that could create more of themselves. Some reckon von Neumann as the father of nanotechnology.

Von Neumann practices refer to the philosophy and laws regulating the creation of self-replicating machines. Naturally, nanotechnology cannot be permitted to simply run rampant, consuming any and all resources. Enlightened societies strictly regulate their use. In an age where philosophy supercedes want, Von Neumann laws are a subject for hot debate.

Von Neumann laws have jurisdiction only to machines or beings that create exact copies of themselves, such as self-replicating nanites, although many argue that cloning also falls under this definition. Proponents of limiting Von Neumann practices advocate diversity against stagnation, variety against uniformity.

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Last edited July 1, 2005 8:53 am by Camilla (diff)