Elysium/Royal Brasstacean Guard

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Accompanied by the copious sounds of clanking and steam, a unit of the Royal Brasstacean Guard resembles an oversized wind-up brass-toy fiddler-crab, large claw replaced with some equally large camera-shaped device. It has green, glassy eyes, so close together they merge into one goggle-shaped lens. They generally travel in a phalanx of three. The camera can be doffed off the claw to slide down a catch chain. A little hopper/cage can deploy on its back to carry objects or a prisoner (rather tightly). The very sight of these would cause an Eisenstimmen to orgasm, but most people would be alarmed. They have the emblazon of Elysium upon their backs, and are only activated when the Throne precieves a SERIOUS disruption or threat to Elysium.

The 'cameras' they have are, ironically, cameras. They 'delete' people from reality in a brief flash of light, and place them in a flat cell, frozen in time. The photo has to be destroyed to return the person to the continuum where the photo is located at. This would technically foil traditional backup systems, as the person is not dead, but imprisoned. Luckily, Elysium is not known for vindictiveness, and generally sees to the safe deployment of those captured thusly back where they belong, presuming outsiders, or to some guided rehabilitation for a citizen of Elysium. Obviously well beyond standard VicTech, when Elysium's safety is at stake the rules of engagement clearly change. There are limitations to this device -- cover will occlud the target from the effect -- Only one complete object can be captured at at time, and there is several seconds delay between shots. Also, the patently invisible cannot be captured thusly.

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Edited September 13, 2004 5:49 pm by Mel (diff)