Welcome to my mind. It is dark in here. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
- Kayle
- OOC info here.
- Logs I'm willing to share here
- Trancend
- OOC info here
- Logs I'm willing to share here
- Various recordings by the twins, free for the asking.
- Velocity
- Currently a morph off of Kayle, in case anyone's wondering about that.
Ideas has various character ideas on it.
PBX-related quotes that don't warrant being put on the quotes page
- <Steve> Goddamn. The right kind of RP really does effect you, I guess.
- <Steve> And the more I look at that, the more I realize just how much emotion I put into it. Huh. Tears really are salty.
To-Do List
- Spend more time on the MUCK, damnit.
- Keep wiki pages up to date.
- Keep the violently-fusing Day Star from burning out retinas.
General Feedback
- R3d |<1N6 VVuz h33r.
- ! |<@|\| |\/|@|<3 |\/|0r3 1337 +|-|@|\| u. (ow, my brain)
- Mmm. Pizza.