[Salad Fingers and Spoilsbury Toast Boy Series]: A Strange aesthetic and mindset. Spoilsbury includes mind-controlling beetles. Warning - possibly disturbing. "I like it when the Red Water comes out..."
Mark Osborne's [More]: Get Happy™. (You may know this as the video for Kenna's "Hell Bent".)
[Neko-Seesaw] - Balance the kitten on the seesaw, using your mouse to lift the edges. Enough momentum, and the kitten will bounce off the walls! Also, kitten will be launched with enough upward thrust!
[Ready's Voyage]: A wheelchair-bound boy goes where only the creative can.
[Samorost]: A Czechoslovakian fantasy adventure game, somewhat Down, very surreal. Best played in full-screen mode.
John Boulton's [24-hour comic] about his alter ego Sasta coming to terms with post-existence.
Jack McLaren and Pat Spacek, ["The Parking Lot is Full"]: darkly-humored site about anti-authoritarianism and absurdist horror
Dan Miller, [Kid Radd]: surreal animated pixel-art webcomic that puts all the other pixel-art webcomics to shame. No, check that, it puts most other webcomics in general to shame.
Rjp, free thinker, water brother whom Zoe groks with fullness (especially [Concrete Burning])
Jennifer Diane Reitz, ["Unicorn Jelly"]: Mysticism and hard science exist in a curious symbiosis in this tale of an alien universe, and it's indeterminate which prevails.
Jennifer Diane Reitz, ["Pastel Defender Heliotrope"]: An innocent sex doll animated by a mysterious force transforms her oppressive society.
Tailsteak, ["One Over Zero"]: Eventually works the lack of a fourth wall into a remarkably philosophical, character-driven story. Fun inspirations for crossing borders.
Dan Shive, ["El Goonish Shive"]: Transformation guns, wacky hijinx, odd kinks, serious plot, and a squirrel-girl. Don't ask, just look.
["A Softer World"]: A Softer World is almost a Charm/Strange Fusion - a photo-comic, by turns sweet and very, very disturbing.
Journal Entries
Echo, mostly untitled short stories (I know, I should shut up about myself...)
Postvixen, the "Tukwila Boys" [series]: transcribed from two postcards OR sent XOR when their RL romance was still long-distance. This was not only Postvixen's first attempt to write in a surreal urban gnostic style, there are early cameo appearances of a couple of major Messfactions..
Website for [Eve the Novel]. Genetically spliced helper-creatures in a posthuman paradise. Extremely Topwarpian.
[Orion's Arm]: Vast and ancient sephirotic archailects! Transhumans cladizing everywhere! You may already be part of the Metasoft Version Tree, or at least a collaborative possible future. Hi!
[No Pr0n] A highly complex series of puzzles, in which everything you need is usually on the page, whether you can see it or not. An exercise in research and lkogic.
[Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect] - an online novel in which an AI guards mankind in a rather misguided fashion. Rated NC-17 for an overabundance of snuff-scenes, but the story between them is pretty solid.