Alizarin is proving to be horrifyingly easy to play. I seem not to be the first person who's observed this of their high-angst characters. I'd be seriously distressed about this, if I didn't keep breaking down into giggles at his self-importance and sheer pathos. I had a lot of trouble matching his stride at first. I tried to play him as a creative angst character. But I learned the hard way that writer's block is, by definition, not one of those neuroses you can play out online. It's not comforting that Ali has nothing to say, when his player has nothing to say. Of course, Ali's true calling proved to be as a critic. It's not just his misery, it's making sure that misery spreads to others, through the noble work of pissing on everything that's not pure enough for him. (i.e., everything other people enjoy) The dismissive mindset is an addictive one. I'm hoping this little taste of just how addictive it is will put me off of it for good. -- OR |