History of Neke-Ovon

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Revision 18 . . (edit) January 19, 2005 4:22 pm by Amanita [Moved some OOC stuff to Factions/Neke]
Revision 14 . . September 4, 2004 10:25 pm by Twin

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Changed: 3c3
The Ovon is the home of the Neke, one of the most influential Chitin Queens clan-groups in all of Top. Inside, it is a maze of imposing halls and tiny, hidden nooks, linked by a tangled maze of tunnels and corridors. The Ovon itself is alive, with new rooms and structures grown rather than made, and extends through extradimensional space to include open-air gardens and portals to other areas of Top within its dome.
The Ovon is the home of the Neke, one of the most influential Chitin Queens clan-groups in all of Top. Inside, it is a maze of imposing halls and tiny, hidden nooks, linked by a tangled maze of tunnels and corridors. The Ovon itself is alive, with new rooms and structures grown rather than made, and extends through extradimensional space to include open-air gardens and portals to other areas of Top within its dome.

Changed: 5c5

Changed: 7c7

Residents and places


Changed: 9c9
Amanita has made the Ovon her home for the past couple of years, and was its de facto ruler before the Neke returned from their mysterious and lengthy absence (see Return of the Neke). Her current position is unclear.
From the Nexus: go to Top, then go along the road and in.

Changed: 11c11
Twin calls the Ovon (her) home as well. (Her) role in its society is unclear, beyond "ruler's pet". Perhaps "regent", in the rumor-wrapped absence of Amanita.
(The Ovon is currently in a state of transformation, and many places within it are subject to change.)

Changed: 13c13
Okyno and Atcinna are among the first generation of the returned Neke, bent on restoring their palace to its ancient glory.

Residents and places

Changed: 15c15
[The Sphere Theatre]? is located within the Ovon.
Amanita has made the Ovon her home for the past couple of years, and was its de facto ruler before the Neke returned from their mysterious and lengthy absence (see Plots/Return Of The Neke). Her current position is unclear.

Changed: 17c17
While not an actual extension of the Ovon, the Temple of Kelil can be reached from a dimensional gate within its courtyard.
Twin calls the Ovon (her) home as well. (Her) role in its society is unclear, beyond "ruler's pet". Perhaps "regent", in the rumor-wrapped absence of Amanita.

Changed: 19c19

OOC notes

Okyno and Atcinna are among the first generation of the returned Neke, bent on restoring their palace to its ancient glory.

Changed: 21c21
[/The Sphere Theatre]? is located within the Ovon.

Changed: 23,26c23,25
* Gormenghast (the labyrinthine, ritual-bound, generations-old castle from Mervyn Peake's novels)
* the Spider Garden (the decadent biotechnological pleasure palace of the Sacred Androgyne, from Michael Manning's graphic novels - natch, the Chitins are very Manning-inspired)
* Christopher Alexander's writings on building (A Pattern Language et al)
* Stewart Brand's How Buildings Learn with its ideas about the re-use of old buildings
While not an actual extension of the Ovon, the Temple of Kelil can be reached from a dimensional gate within its courtyard.

OOC notes

Changed: 32c31
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