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The Televisionaries are the most truthful, honest liars in the entire Mess. They will tell you the truth, but only the parts you actually ask about. They use art as a grenade, and thought as a bomb.

Society is their battlefield, and other Factions are both enemies and allies.

Televisionaries occasionally will join multiple Factions, just to prove they don't have conflicting ideals, natures, or other such things. They don't even really consider themselves a Faction as much as a mystic society, or perhaps just a group of philosophers with similar ideals.

Of course, not all Televisionaries have the same ideals, but their intent is always the same. To educate, teach, and in general prevent complacency. And that is enough.

These are really the only rules they live by:

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Edited October 3, 2004 9:29 pm by Trilogee (diff)