History of Characters/Kayle

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Revision 22 . . (edit) March 14, 2005 10:25 pm by Kayle
Revision 17 . . December 20, 2004 1:51 pm by Kayle [Updated to reflect current gender.]
Revision 15 . . November 29, 2004 5:03 pm by Taliabear

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 5c5
:Kayle is certain about her past, but he doesn't talk about it unless someone asks.
:Kayle is certain about her past, but she doesn't talk about it unless someone asks.

Changed: 24,29c24,25

Visual: (OLD)

Kayle looks for all the world like an oversized, chromed-up salamander standing on it's hind legs. "Danger" decals by the turbine intakes on either calf serve to add a touch of color to what would otherwise be a featureless quicksilver skin, while his upper intakes have been capped with side-lit translucent aquamarine hemispheres. A strange blue glow seems to have taken up residence in his exhaust ports and his exhaust is a comfortably warm, rather than flesh-searing.

Rising up Kayle's back, originating from and wrapping around the base of his primary exausts, is an array of glowing circuttrace that flickers like and resembles a gasoline flame. There's no readily apparent reason why this glowing tracework even exists, but Kayle knows it's there. He might even go into detail if you ask.

Cobalt blue optic sensors in Kayle's head serve as eyes, complete with delicate chromeflesh lids, and a set of matte black circles just behind his optics serve as radar and sound pickups. Kayle is always emitting the vague white-noise of two idling turbine engines, which he finds rather soothing, and "speaks" by modulating frequency patterns in his exhaust.


Kayle is pleasingly curved, form following function along aerodynamic lines and given life. She sports a just-over-modest bustline that resembles two drops of molten silver, held in place with a simple yet effective backless sports bra. Keeping Kayle decent is a pair of loose-fit denim slacks that have been cut off rather high, covering about the upper third of her calves, though this is more due to safety concerns than any sense of style.

Changed: 31c27
["Before"] image, courtesy of [NeoGeen].
'Danger' decals by the turbine intakes mounted front-and-center on either calf serve to add a touch of color to what would otherwise be a featureless quicksilver skin, while the upper intakes above her collarbones have been capped with side-lit translucent hemispheres. Rising up Kayle's back, originating from and wrapping around the base of her primary exausts, is an array of glowing circut-trace that flickers like and resembles a gasoline flame. There's no readily apparent reason why this glowing tracework even exists, but Kayle knows it's there. She might even go into detail if you ask. Contrasting this display is a rich pure-blue glow from somewhere inside her primary exhausts. If one were to get in the way, however, Kayle's exhaust is comfortably warm instead of flesh-searing.

Changed: 33,34c29


Kayle is pleasinly curved, form following function along aerodynamic lines and given life, and sports a modest bustline that resembles two drops of molten silver. "Danger" decals by the turbine intakes on either calf serve to add a touch of color to what would otherwise be a featureless quicksilver skin, while her upper intakes have been capped with side-lit translucent hemispheres. A strange blue glow seems to have taken up residence in her exhaust ports, and the exhaust is a comfortably warm rather than flesh-searing.
Cobalt blue optic sensors in Kayle's head serve as eyes, complete with delicate chromeflesh lids, while a set of matte black circles just behind her optics serve as radar and sound pickups. A circular neural port sits flush with the chromeflesh at the base of her skull and is capped with a simple rubber protective lid. Kayle is always emitting the vague white-noise of two idling turbine engines, which she finds rather soothing, and "speaks" by modulating frequency patterns in her exhaust. She's pleasant to be around, in a somewhat crude sort of way, though she's not very feminine. And that's just how she likes it.

Changed: 36c31
Rising up Kayle's back, originating from and wrapping around the base of her primary exausts, is an array of glowing circuttrace that flickers like and resembles a gasoline flame. There's no readily apparent reason why this glowing tracework even exists, but Kayle knows it's there. She might even go into detail if you ask.
(["Before"] image, courtesy of [NeoGeen].)

Changed: 38c33,35
Cobalt blue optic sensors in Kayle's head serve as eyes, complete with delicate chromeflesh lids, while a set of matte black circles just behind her optics serve as radar and sound pickups. A relatively new-looking neural port sits flush with the chromeflesh at the base of her skull and is capped with a simple rubber protective lid. Kayle is always emitting the vague white-noise of two idling turbine engines, which she finds rather soothing, and "speaks" by modulating frequency patterns in her exhaust.


* Gridshaman. Spark, with some Steel undercurrents for flavor.
* Contractor for the Data Exchange. Distributes Orderchips in Downwarp.

Changed: 49c46,47
* She's met Epsilon. They kissed. This has apparently resulted in Kayle getting pregnant.
* She's met Epsilon. They kissed. This has apparently resulted in: A full set of reproductive organs, bearing a child, and being immune (so far) to Epsilon's chaotic disruption effects.

Changed: 52,53c50
:Copied from other character pages here. Feel free to leave comments, impressions, questions, or scrap below this point.

Removed: 59,60d55

* "Stunning, and a nudist too. She'd fit in well in Bottom. She'd fit in well between us, too." -Trancend

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