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:Also - thanks to Google's translator tool... Eisenstimmen: Iron voices -- Echo

The Eisenstimmen (nicknamed "Rivethearts") could be mistaken for a benign splinter faction of the Architects -- but not to either group's face. Both factions share an interest in archaic industrial systems as performance art, but the Eisenstimmen abhor the same sadistic legalism and depersonalization that the Architects fetishize.

The Eisenstimme vision of industry is individualistic and expressive, based on a love of noise, labor, and machinery for their own sakes. Eisenstimmen factories are imposing affairs, part sweatshop, part dance club, part academic salon, and part tribal conclave. Many of their factories exist to produce nothing but interesting sound and movement. All their labor is voluntary and inhumanly disciplined. In fact, many Rivethearts have industrial machinery built directly into their bodies -- the clunkier and more functional, the better.

The archetypal Eisenstimme personality melds a stoic, boisterous exterior with a sensitive, sincere heart. They are an intellectual bunch, but frown upon empty ornamentation in both objects and people. They have little patience for those they consider fools, liars, or fops, and tend to be very blunt speakers.

The Eisenstimmen are virtually synonymous with Down. They find Up far too quiet, Top too insincere, and Charm too frivolous. Bored Rivethearts have been known to drop heroic doses of hallucinogens and visit Bottom in leather and metal clad mobs of over a hundred. Really bored ones have been known to eat fistfuls of fear-blockers and visit Strangewarp in full hazmat gear, armed to the teeth with decryption grenades and fixklez guns.

--taken from Function OR's [writeup]

Robert Bly for robots!
Really, they strike me as the exact mirror-faction of the Chitin Queens: masculine, forceful, industrial, blunt, heroic, proletarian, whereas the Queens are feminine, subtle, secretive and aristocratic, and favour biological methods. Compare: Shaper/Mechanist. Elf/Dwarf. Discuss.

I can't help but thinking of them as the sort that could use the term "heroic homosex" with complete earnestness. OR, what was that web site again? --Amanita

Me, I look at this stuff and keep thinking of folks like [Baron Klaus Wulfenbach and the Heterodyne boys]... --GrayZero

It would seem to me that the more archaic leaning Rivethearts would be a very sympathetic faction to the Victorian Retrotech Collective, especially considering they are the only faction that probably understands VicTech natively. --Mel

Here's a somewhat Eisenstimmen [story] I wrote a while back. --Echo
Also - thanks to Google's translator tool... Eisenstimmen: Iron voices -- Echo

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Last edited October 24, 2004 8:35 pm by Echo (diff)