Media Resources

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* [Film and Television]?
* Film and Television

Though we pride ourselves on creativity, Puzzlebox would never had existed if we didn't have our favorite media to inspire us. From avant-garde sci-fi to silly cartoon nostalgia, we always love to hear about books, music and shows with a Puzzleboxian sense of the fantastic, visionary, and humane. Keep in mind that not all of these resources necessarily fit in with Puzzlebox in terms of actual plot, setting, characters, or even tone -- many of them take place on Earth or in other violent, dystopian environments. But each of these entries had, or could have, something to contribute to the development of some part of Puzzlebox, in terms of their themes and philosophies.

(Feel free to link any of these sources to their own articles, if you'd like to write a full-length review! And by all means, add more! But please consider keeping the short summaries on the index pages to 15 words or less.)

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Last edited September 16, 2004 9:31 pm by Amanita (diff)