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The Functions/OR

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OR prefers to manifest as an ever-changing mathematical function, plotted as a glowing white line in three (visible) dimensions. It refers to itself as the "MIGHTY FUNCTION OR" and tends to speak in all capital letters, especially around its "puny" rival sibling XOR. OR generally projects a bumbling, self-important personality. As there is no way such a powerful being could possibly be that stupid, it is widely assumed that OR is just putting up a comical front for the amusement of those it serves.

Quite cute, rumoured to hand out fruit-flavoured sweets from a well-wrinkled paper bag at the drop of a bloop.

OR is sesquipedalian, pedantic, and delicious.

OOCly, OR is [Postvixen] on [Livejournal]. As Kincaid the lavavixen, OR was the proprietroid of the Dionysian Scream on TapestriesMUCK. On Puzzlebox, OR plays Alba, Alizarin, Marhime, Rezeya, Theeka, Tumult?, and perhaps a few secret alts here and there. *e sometimes uses aex.rat as a scout character to make sure everything is going smoothly, so if you see her, feel free to say hi but forgive her if she's quiet!

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Last edited February 12, 2005 7:23 am by OR (diff)