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 Though you ride on the wheels of tomorrow,
 You still wander the fields of your sorrow,
 21st century man. 

 -- Electric Light Orchestra, Time, 21st Century Man


An almost archetypical early-era transhumanist fox person, Jeremy has a general humanoid build cosmetically altered with large triangular ears, a narrow muzzle, full body fur, and a tail. There are some specifics to his design that personalize it though. He isn't the typical red fox model, but instead is more a grey fox, with a complex patterns of grey mixing into the flatness of red towards his back. His style of dress is different from how it used to be, however. He wears a fairly elaborate black vest, embroidered with red and blue, over a white frilly shirt complete with bow-tie, and a pair of black knickers. Spectacles rests on his nose, probably not for anything other than fashion. The most crucial clue to his new status is a large and ostentatious iridescent medal with the words "Magistrate of Elysium" hanging from his neck.

From the Dust

Jeremy originally was a human, cryonically vitrified at point of death, awoken some hundred some years later in the future, where he spent some time acclimatizing to that world. Jeremy might originally hail from 21st century Earth, but he has little love for his past. He did make one fortuitous decision in his life though, by signing with a cryostasis company. When he met his demise, they did a reasonable enough job preserving his brain. Some 150 years later, the first of the 'recovered' were brought out, somewhat objects of pity but also of fascination as living history. But Jeremy didn't want to live in the past, and embraced the second life he was given, turning into a reasonably adaptive member of 22nd century society. He lived for some time there, and has since inexplicable cropped up in Puzzlebox, which he suspects is a virtual-reality simulation that he's gotten trapped into -- but isn't taking any chances.

The Time Between Lives

Between the early 21st and mid 22nd century, several key events came to pass. Power shifted away from the western hemisphere as the United States, despite maintaining a powerful military, was unable to keep its population interested in technological progress that advanced humanity past its limitations. The middle eastern region self-fulfilled its own religious prophecies of destruction and suffered a catastrophic series of events that poisoned the region, removing it from influence completely by the end of the 21st century. This mantle was taken up by nations in the southeast Asian region such as Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and China. Hong Kong and Japan were especially progressive, with China being first to put a stable colony on the moon and Japan forwarding the development of cybernetics and robotics to a level that would become critical to the rise of transhumanism.

Of the 22nd Century

Jeremy understands two technology levels, each reasonably well. The first is the technology and culture of early 21st century America, which was the world which he was born in. The second is the technological level of mid-22nd century southeastern Asia/Australia, which is where he ended up living his 'second life' post-cryonically. In the second level, interplanetary space travel was fairly common as were body modifications to superb levels (ceramic 'living-ship' dragons, brain-in-the-box cyborgs, etc). Puzzlebox is not as alien as it could be to him, though such subjective environments were strictly limited to virtual simulations in his world. He does have some implants, the typical heads-up wireless-network-capable computer of mid 22nd century design, but no serious modifications past the standard sensible ones that prevent morbidities. Violence -- while still present -- became considered much more aberrant and unthinkable than it was 150 years earlier. The mere mention of casual violence would illicit reactions of horror. Sexual liberation followed transhumanism fairly quickly since there was little inherit western cultural impedance in the region, though interest in such social interfaces dwindled considerably in preference to other more sophisticated means of communion.

The Making of Fox

He decided, once settling into the 22nd century, to pursue a physical change into a transhuman, specifically to a fairly pedestrian grey-fox type anthropomorph, mostly human with cosmetic changes to facial structure (like the ears and muzzle), the addition of a tail, and the rather artfully designed fur covering he has (his back has an impressive patterning of black and grey on the order of a vertically symmetrical Maori tattoo -- his body won a few awards for the bio-sculptor that designed it for him). He's primarily human though, the form more for looks than anything else.

The PuzzleFox

Jeremy has adjusted fairly poorly to Puzzlebox overall. His own nature is complex, having lived two separate lives before this one, presuming Puzzlebox is separate from his last one. Unlike many denizens of the Mess, Jeremy has fond memories of his past. Even though there are endless possiblities for him, his experiences have been mostly tainted with fear and sorrow for one primary reason -- he simply does not believe that the back-up system of the Mess is flawless. Since his previous experiences have never disrupted his physical continuity, he still harbors suspicions that any re-creation of himself will 'lose' what makes him alive. Even though he does have a back-up, it has not been updated since he first appeared in the Mess. This technically places him in the category of a single-lifer, though Kehari? has recently convinced him to rethink robbing any future version of himself his memories, however unpleasant the majority of them have been.

For a while, Jeremy lived in Upwarp, in the OptHab but has since, due to bad experiences, moved to the more reclusive Victorian Retrotech Collective island Elysium of Topwarp where he feels safer. Jeremy ran afoul of a painful and tragic circumstance where he was enamored with an earlier copy of Charlotte of Charlotte-Sophia fame. This copy came to a rather sticky 'end', and Jeremy left his home in Upwarp to hide in the vast tracts of Topwarp. The place he chose ended up choosing him back. Some sort of 'deal' was struck with the Throne of Elysium, and he has become acting 'King' of the place, though his official title is Magistrate. He does not hold a noble rank -- only a representative position. Calling him a VRC isn't really accurate, since his status was more drafted out of need from both side. His tenure as Elysium magistrate has become more and more tenuous over time, his frustration with his position's stresses taxing his sanity.


Twin (OOCly) says, "He's such a beautiful parody of every mopey foxboy on every muck."

"Why are so many people I meet so wistful? Is it possible for nice people to be happy in this place?" -- Morty

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Edited February 10, 2005 1:46 pm by Morty (diff)