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Kurrel the Raven is oneiric, a few ideas surrounded by shifting details. Consistent is a black body with orange glowing eyes (white around the pupil) and a sprigly shock of similarly glowing tailfeathers. A fluffy ruff of slightly lighter feathers around his throat and two ear-looking feathers either side of his head. Long sharp bill with no material consistency. Tall to look around and yet sort of stocky and soft-bodied. Nasal voice, quite nasal. The finer details are harder to pin down: one second it looks as though he's covered in feathers, the next in dense, long fur. Gentle light from the tips of his fingers.. wings.. hands.. they keep changing. Large feet. Is it iridescence or tricky luminousness on his feathers? They mysteriously oscillate like he's underwater by themselves and occasionally let a glint of deep tangerine light through to the surface. Kurrel speaks only in noun phrases, not entire sentences, talking much more in terms of thing experiences instead of action experiences.


Kurrel was once a perfectly normal raven who chanced to find a book one day. To his surprise, the marks on the book evoked places, feelings, and other ideas in his brain, and upon reflection he was even more surprised that he knew that these magic scratches were meaningful transcriptions of sound called words cast in something called ink on processed plant matter called paper bound in a device called a book. His unaccountable appearance in the Mess came shortly afterwards, and just recently bits of him have started to glow, dissolve and consciously metamorphose in strange ways.


Kurrel is still looking for his homewarp and mainly observes the Mesh's denizens quietly in Puzzle Park.

Character note

Kurrel's speech is very idiosyncratic; instead of speaking in entire sentences, he speaks in nouns. Instead of saying "that tree is green", he'll say "green tree" (as an entire sentence). Instead of saying "you're looking pale", he'll say "your paleness". Instead of saying "Sosael killed Besax with a void cannon", he'll say "Besax's death from Sosael's void cannon".

In Kurrel's way of speaking, nothing actually happens--there's no (main clause) verb to make it happen. This has a definite flattening effect on the linguistic concept of time, evoking static moments or scenes instead of the dynamism normal human language goes for. It's almost like haiku.

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LiveJournal (OOC, becoming strangely less so)


Welcome comments.

"I think he's polite and orderly, but a tail is a tail - why is mine so weird?" - Sweet William

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Edited August 17, 2004 10:15 pm by Kurrel (diff)