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Neg: Rubberclad Fruit Bat of the SMC


The walled off outsides stares back at you from her mirrored eye lenses, set in a facemask complete with respirator that isolates her from all the dangerous contagions in the world around her. The facemask is long-snouted, suggesting a similar shape beneath it. Also enveloped in the mask, her ears perk high, alert.

Where the facemask does not cover, the black rubber studded with red crosses starts, encasing her entire body in a skintight layer of airtight protection. It's very easily tight enough to show the slender but athletically muscular build of her short body. A large part of the bulk of her body seems to be in her arms, unfolding out into stretches of skin between bony spurs, with jutting fingers that form the tips when her wings fold up. Her feet are made for grasping or walking, even prehensile tasks. Upon her chest, a red cross features, and spaced across her hazmat suit are displaying indicating her states in many things, physical and mental. Her body language is highly ready, loosely wound.


*All her life, she has felt uncomfortable. Urges most of the people she's met just don't understand... The most understanding people have been the Downwarpers, but even they don't really understand her. Her urges... in her dreams, bones often feature. Morbid... She has many dreams, and they unnerve too many of the people she has met.
*Not that she's had a particularly unpleasant time. Most of the Messians she know are fairly tolerant if sometimes fervent about their own opinions. But, they just aren't like her.
*And, then, she had a dream. Strange buildings, dark... The factions that once lived and thrived... For the first time feeling at home, among like people. She awoke, weeping for a Strange that no longer existed.
*The Strangevirus. She had felt drawn to Strange before, but the Virus drove her off, its overconsumption of the Warp... And now she realizes that it has destroyed her dream Warp.
*She will destroy the Virus.
Things you probably need to know about Neg: she can see the past, but mostly randomly. With concentration, she can hone upon either a particular person or a general time span. With yet more concentration, she can hone upon a particular time span in a person's life. This gives her an enormous headache. And she'll still only get random disjointed memories, without the ability to focus upon a particular event. She doesn't do it lightly.
Strange Medical Corps
Medical, psychosexual, therapy, past insights, struggle against the Strangevirus, paranoia.

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Edited September 3, 2004 2:58 am by Lysette (diff)