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Rezeya is really just a pretty ordinary native of Bottomwarp. She was probably conceived at some festival. She has no clue who her genetic father is, and she's only got a hunch about her mother. She can't count on all four paws the number of people who had a hand in her upbringing. She lost her virginity to a playmate when she was barely developed enough to have full instantiator rights; it was a consensual, sanctioned, and exciting experience. She wears ball gags and hobble chains like some wear necklaces and earrings. She never got the names of any of the people she slept with last night. She's not only perfectly comfortable with all of this, she's a bit smug about it.


Rezeya (or Rez, or Rezy, or sometimes even Red -- she moves in a lot of social circles) is essentially Bottomwarp's idea of a geek. She treats her body the way some might treat a classic car or computing device -- she loves it, but has no qualms about tinkering with it. She devotes a disproportionate amount of her time to studying, augmenting, and testing herself "in the field." Sometimes, her attitude towards her physical perfection ranges to the narcissistic. Though she generally tends to take submissive roles, she is neither passive nor particularly subtle, and generally responds to orders and threats with a bratty grin. Her ultra-permissive upbringing has left her particularly distrustful of rules and organizations, and she relies on her own knowledge and desires for moral guidance. While very emotional, she's quick to seek technical solutions to problems. At heart, she's really just a big ol' high-tech hippie chick.

Rezy tends to take a very long-term view of her life goals; paradoxically, this means she tends to live for the moment. She figures if she's got all eternity to live, she's also got all eternity to patch up friendships, make amends to the slighted, correct personality flaws, perfect her arts through careful practice, achieve enlightenment, and all those necessary but prosaic things. In the meantime, she wears her hedonism and lack of ambition as a point of pride, and takes great pleasure in teasing people prone to fret about self-improvement. She has no plan for herself other than getting laid, tricking out her mind/body/gender, and drinking in all the Mess's beauty. She likes it that way, and will probably like it that way in 50,000 years, she figures; she'll just be terrifyingly good at it.


Though any number of art-war groups would probably like to avail themselves of Rezeya's bio-engineering skills, nothing short of a brainwash or a TRULY impressive seduction could convince her to join. (Yes, yes, don't throw you into that briar patch, Br'er Tiger. But it's still true, she's not much of a joiner.)


Rezeya only truly feels at home in Bottom. Up and Top are right out. The people of Charm tend to be a little too stylized for her, and she _despises_ spiteful people, so Strange is out of the question. Down is a little austere for her tastes, but there are parts that are quite cozy despite themselves -- besides, all the good drugs seem to be made there.


Rezeya is more than just a fucktoy. But she's still a fucktoy, by design and by choice. Metaphysical detective stories, deep spiritual transformations, bitter philosophical conflicts, interpersonal angst, these are all things she's happy to find a role in. But any scene Rez is involved in will probably take on some sexual tone, if it can be done without detracting from the rest of the scene. Of course, her definition of "sex" is as loose as she is -- she likes power exchanges, dressing up, and other forms of artful sensuality even more than she likes getting prodded.


As a Puzzlebox native, she takes Clarke's 3rd Law for granted. Death, work, and money are all totally alien concepts to her, except for what she's picked up from the Terran subculture, and she's not real fond of what she's seen.


Crushing hard on Haruki. Faintly envious of Alba -- especially now that she's seen the effect of Haruki's antennae on her. Would rather any future rivalry be settled by drippy three-way.

Much better-disposed to Twin and Amanita now that she knows how much of a stir they're causing in Topwarp. She likes Twin slightly better of the two, finding Amanita a bit standoffish -- any trace of aristocracy is too much, in Rezy's opinion. Again, three-way, though it would be ideal to bind the Chaev Nnade up and make her watch.
Oh, 'Nita would hate that. She'd make the most dire threats. -Twin

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Edited September 1, 2004 12:31 am by OR (diff)