In the Mess, there's more than enough machine translation, electrotelepathy, kything, suboptical subtitling, and so forth that language is only an issue when a being decides to make it an issue. This allows a blind character to understand what a mute character is writing, for example. However, there are a few quirks and details that the denizens of Puzzlebox feel should be illuminated.
The primary language spoken in the Mess has sometimes been called "Standard": a mongrel of a language full of loan words, borrowed idioms and new coinings. (See the Glossary for a sampling.) In frustration, some linguists in Upwarp have proposed a more rational and stable language they call Upstandard.
Deliberately obscure languages
It's entirely conceivable that a character would shut off their translation method, or speak cryptic gibberish, as a fashion statement -- or even tune their minds to a logic so alien that it defies translation, just to see what it feels like.
- Most subfactions of the Chitin Queens have their own languages, which they deliberately conceal from the world translation systems. These languages are full of supersonic insectile trills, chirps and harmonics difficult for many other organic beings to hear, let alone reproduce. (See also Neke, Szjna-Cyvani.)
Conventions in quotes
There is more than one way to convey information within the Mess. While most is done via voice, others use telepathy, floating words, or odder means. To differentiate between the various forms, quotes, brackets, and other punctuation have been drafted. Furthermore, some choose unique quotes to add emphasis to otherworldy voices or intonations. Feel free to add or amend the list, as various people use punctuation differently.
Don't feel that you have to use a certain set of brackets for a certain mode of speech - reclaim them for your own purposes!
- Common voice communications use the quotes that are typical of the english language.
- Nenora says, "Now, listen carefully."
- Sebkha's handsigning uses regular quotes, but using the verb "signs" rather than "says". He also uses all caps to indicate proper nouns expressed by fingerspelling.
- Sebkha signs, "You told me your name was NENORA."
- Telepathy or other direct mind-mind transfers use angle brackets (greater-than and less-than signs) to imitate [Guillemets]
- Gima sends a message, < Don't think too heavily about it. >
- Angle brackets are also sometimes used to denote speech in a language that is obscured from the translation systems. This is usually to distinguish the conversation as foreign when there are other languages being spoken. (See "Deliberately obscure languages" below.)
- Amanita settles back, running a hand along her Serpent's coils as she murmurs to it. <I am most curious to hear more about your brood,> it chitters.
- I would like to suggest downplaying the use of < and > in general, for this and other uses about the muck. Why? One less thing to worry about when editing a log for web posting. That said, I recognize the long-standing conventions of angle brackets for telepathy and something that's in Foreign. But please think about this issue before deciding to use them for some other mode, such as code-flashes, smoke signals, scrolly text, and so on. -Twin
- For that matter, [square brackets] can cause weirdness if copying and pasting to the wiki. --Amanita
- Lupe uses raised lettering on her(?) surface to speak. They are indicated by tildes or, in a later incarnation, curly brackets.
- Lupe nods, ~The writing is on the wall~
- Lupe grins. { Do you read me? }
- Omni and its buddings have an encrypted language relying on changes in colors and hues, meant for communication for only themselves. This uses square brackets. Words that do not translate into anything in the Mess (Specifically, places that Omni knows outside Puzzlebox) are translated into random gibberish.
- Omni pulses out a quick burst of reds and blues. [ Hey. Look! I'm a disco! If they could see me now, back on lapelkclkw! ]
- Flyte's language has various words that do not translate well. Those are denoted by close approximations in square brackets. Those who salt their speech with accents of High Neke also do this, when amongst themselves.
- Jeremy, while possessed by the Throne of Elysium, speaks with constantly-changing quotes, designed to suit the mood of the statement.
- Jeremy buzzes, -*{ I instruct the king. }*-
- Jeremy hums, { Please address your concerns to me. }
- Jeremy hums, -=-{ The functioning society. }-=-
- Jeremy looks a parody of aggrieved, >-{ I was abandoned of the senses. }-< (@) Time uncountable passed until the dragon, the squirrel, and the vixen came. (@)
- Jeremy harmonics, _-~ They could not take the role requested. Not of the mortal flesh, not of the mortla spirit. ~-_
- Jeremy sings, o/~ That time has passed. ~\o
- Jeremy buzzes, ^\ We try our best. /^
- Jeremy lilts, o-{ When the king returns, renewed to benevolent authority. }-o
- Jeremy seems uncomfortable, _+_ Expired? Has it been that long? _+_
- Jeremy chimes, +-) I do not know. Without senses, there is no synchronometer. (-+
- Jeremy despairs slightly, \_/ All the trees are strangers. \_/
- Jeremy considers, .-. You may approach. .-.
- Jeremy mourns, ;_; What does the future hold? ;_;
- Jeremy narrows his eyes, =I==- Malicious forces must have been at work. -==I=
- Jeremy sags, (/) You do not seem to be of the collective. I do not see how you could help. (/)
- Jeremy considers this, |^| To restore the population of Elysium. To end the torment. To see the pulse of life growing stronger and stronger. The heart to beat again. |^|
- Jeremy seems confused, (_) The Datasphere? ...You may show the magistrate this when we are done here. (_)
- Jeremy looks over Omni, ___ Do you understand the tennants of the Elysium collective? The four basic laws? ___
- Jeremy murmurs, <-> I will have the magistrate test you on citizenship requirements when you feel you are ready. <->
- Jeremy intones, (*) But can you live in the reserved style that is asked of you here? (*)
- Jeremy sighs and rests a hand on his cheek, watching, =@= Such audaciousness is unbecoming of a resident here. It was to seek the simple, uncomplicated life that was the goal, before the coming of the infinite that confused many. =@=
- Jeremy sits up, <O> But will you be able to bring the next generation into existence? <O>
- Jeremy looks uncomfortable, O-> This is a place of old-world methods and types. +-O
- Jeremy sighs, (/) The first three were unable to reproduce themselves. (/)
- Jeremy denotes ^_^ Without the sound of children, there can be no future here. ^_^
- Jeremy nods, *-* The explorers. *-*
- Jeremy suggests, \/\ You should try making some. /\/
- Okyno uses double scare quotes on the muck, and has thus far been anal enough to actually edit them into typographically-correct double quotes for the web. She is very mannered in speech, and this is a reflection of it.
- okyno says, ``i think i must see to my own affairs. i had expected change about me but not this much. i hope my home has been kept as well as this place has.'' she looks about, antennae sifting the slow breezes. ``too many cycles may have passed.''
- okyno curls fingers into a fist, a gesture grasping the air. “the traditions keep themselves; we are only their unknowing hands.” she looks at mel. “it was in error that it was ever left.”
say #help
will show you how to set custom quote characters for your speech.