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- American McGee's Alice: Wonderland (Charm) gone horribly wrong. StrangeCharm overload in a psychological nitemare in Alice's own head. Beautifully disturbing twisted remake of a children's classic. The aesthetics alone are worth a play. (Unrelated note, McGee's next project involves distorting the Oz stories)
- Alpha Centauri: Crash-landed factions contest over a living planet. Heavily posthuman technologies. The FMVs playing upon acquiring Secret Projects often have interesting imagery. Also see [an alternative faction pack] for less
clichearchetypal factions.
- Fallout: Asthetically Down or at times Strange with beautiful hints of Up, and includes physical modifications and xenobiological beings and transformations.
- Planescape: Torment: A computer adaption of the Planescape RPG, just as funky. Mind-warping philosophy, alternative Down aesthetics (Sigil is a cool city), reality malleable by beliefs, strange cast of characters, death as a mere inconvenience.
- Septerra Core: Life and adventure in a world orrery powered by magic, featuring xenobiological transformation, mindgames, alien forms of communication, and a really fancy machine gun.
- [Star Control 2]:
- Startopia:
- System Shock (1 and 2): UpStrange wars...
- Any game by Phillipe Ulrich (Exxos), especially [Captain Blood], Kult, and Extase. Highly future-surrealistic. Amiga versions preferable. (Certainly preferable to the PC versions, though Blood certainly felt like an ST port to me, and most Blood fan sites claim better audio on the ST.)
- Elizabeth McCoy and Walter Milliken, GURPS: Illuminati University
- David Pulver and Mark MacKinnon, BESM: Big Eyes Small Mouth: Anime role-playing in its truest form - Echo
- David Pulver, GURPS Transhuman Space:
- David Pulver, GURPS Bio-tech: Vastly informative, from Brain Tapes/Programing to Xenosculpting!
- Mike Pondsmith, Teenagers from Outer Space:
- Jared Sorensen, Octane
- Jonathan Tweet, [Over the Edge]:
- TSR, Planescape: A setting consisting of multiple planes expressing sheer concepts or fundamental elemental realities, with a city called Sigil on the top of an infinitely tall spire.
- Kult: A game in which the central premise is that God has imprisoned all His rivals in space-time, and only by going mad and seeing through the cracks in reality do the players have a hope of escaping their confinement and realizing their own inner godhood. Or something to that effect.
- Devil May Cry (1 and 2): Demon fights other demons, including magma-scorpions, monsters made of buildings, and more. Gothic halls that breathe and ripple, castles overgrown with membranes, doors guarded by giant spirit-hands. Inspiration for Strange, Fever Cathedral, perhaps more.
- Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil: Very Charm, with a good dose of the other Warps dropped in. A doglike character dreams himself into a broken world of cute furry people, and travels across the various Warp-like lands to awaken the nightmare realm from its tearful slumber so that he can confront its king.
- NiGHTS: Free-flying on rails, perhaps the only game to get as close as possible to flying in dreamscapes without actually being asleep.
- The Silent Hill series: so very, very Strange
- Sonic Advance 2(GBA): Specifically the Music Plant levels, I felt it to be particularly Charm. Sonic Adventures have a similar look and feel--the crazed looping freeways above the city levels would be perfect inspiration for ZipWays.