Showing revision 7
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DownSea and DownBeach
- Maybe we could use DownWharf? There's still that missing exit to it sticking around in the Freeway's description, and it would make sense to recreate it completely differently, as bordering this Warp's version of the ocean.
- Additional thought: what passes for a 'beach' might be simply bits of the Wharf and building above it, fallen down and crumbled into a thick sentiment of rubble and rust and dust.
- The original Downwharf still exists, it's just unlinked. The exit off the freeway should lead to #2105 - Mind not found
- Oh, okay, forget that idea then. :)
- More additional thoughts: Downbeach as culmination of decay. Graveyard for made things... cement ground to dust and gravel, crumbs of asphalt, broken artifacts, metal filings and rust-dust. Gritty crystals precipitated out of commingled chemical runoff.
- It was mentioned by [someone else], but deserves note - there has to be some kind of broken-down former oil rig near the Down shores. There just has to.
- That would be sexy. Hell, maybe make the entire ocean for Down be some horrible mix of chemicals and crude, inhabited by cybernetic and biomechanical sea creatures?
- I'd like some kind of cleaner area, as well. After all, lazy Eisenstimmen like places to swim other than Top and Charm. Of course, that is one voice among many. Act accordingly.
- Perhaps an area surrounded by cleaning systems maintained by Eisenstimmen? Or made of them?