Have you ever found yourself cursing the fact that you woke up in the same body and mind that you went to sleep in? Want to try something different for a while? Someplace where, no matter what happens, we all go home at the end of the dance and maybe be the same people we went to sleep as, or maybe not? Or maybe you want to be someone else for a change? Or not even yourself? All dreams come true at the Dropsocket! Even the false ones!
The Dropsocket Lounge has the trappings of Downwarp, yet doesn't seem to be attached anywhere in specific quite yet. Where it ends up, who knows? What's known is that it's completely and totally acausal- anything that happens there is totally outside of the normal thing we call space-time. It's out of reality, out of the world, and out of its mind. And it *likes it.* This is where folks can go to unwind, do whatever strikes their mind, be it friend, foe, or drug of choice, and go home pleased as punch that they got to interact with freaks with no lasting evil consequences to their actions. Plots are not welcome here. Have fun!