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They will see us waving from Such Great Heights
"Come down now", they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away
"Come down now", but we'll stay...
	-- The Postal Service, "Such Great Heights"
	[mp3 publicly available]
(Y'know, I only just now noticed that [first desktop] on the above link. It wasn't the inspiration for the Lighthouse's appearence, but even so it looks just about perfect. So, feel free to refer to that image. --g0)

The Lighthouse

Situated at what seems to be the precise center of the Ocean despite its close proximity to Elysium (via which it's reached) and the rest of Topwarp, the Lighthouse is a multistory building that is always visible on the Ocean's horizon, with an impressively bright light that seems to come to the direct aid of navigators from time to time. It's also where GrayZero makes her home; unsuprising, as she's responsible for its creation. It consists of at least four consistent portions - it's difficult to assign it "levels" or "floors" per se, as the outside gives few details as to the interior, and the interior does not seem to match the motif suggested by what *is* visible outside.

The base of the Lighthouse is dominated by six large support pillars designated the "Pillars of Faith" with a reproduction of the Cube Tree at the center. The very top of the lighthouse has an Observation Deck, along with the rather curious lighting system put in place by GrayZero. One can also find a Seminary ostensibly devoted to GrayZero's religion, as well as a Study where she lives. It is not clear how one is transported between areas; there is no obvious principle on which it operates. A map is reccomended, and one is provided; it appears before one's perception when needed. How this occurs is not entirely clear either.

The Lighthouse clearly has a decidedly unTop manner of casually defying straightforward investigation of itself. There are several points in and around the Lighthouse where one will sometimes think they have found themselves elsewhere, but discover ultimately that they never left. Or perhaps that they came back so quickly that no companions would ever notice - what actually goes on when one encounters one of these other Places is still rather unclear. These things don't get explained; one must have Faith that one will not be harmed.

As it should be.


For now, from the Nexus one should go to Top, take the steamship to Elysium, then take the boat to the Lighthouse Pier. Theoretically, other means of arriving at this place will come about before long.

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Last edited January 9, 2005 8:24 am by GrayZero (diff)