"Love your hate. Your faith lost. You are now one of us." - Miseria Cantare, A Fire Inside
Welcome to the Art War
Tired of the rumor and notion that Hemotopians are bloodthirsty killers (which many are, though that's not the point), Morgan has seen fit to call for a Dinner, to try and bring an many Hemotopians under his sway (or what he sees as his sway, anyway), and to make a statement to the other factions of the Mess that while Strange may be dangerous, the true danger lies in misjudging them. His goal is to make them afraid of what may happen- that the Strange Mirror reflects a little too closely on others there, and blurring the lines between what is Strange and what isn't. Since very few residents of the Mess are complete aesthetics (in the Tibetan Monk sense of the word), he wants to make a point that unbridled *id* is what makes Strange what it is- giving in to the beast in the soul that cries for more, and jockeys to be first. To that end, he wishes to hold Dinner, though the plans are moving slowly at best for the moment. Still lots of time to intervene or interfere, and word should have gotten out that he's called to prepare for an invitation to the Factions and a Dinner.
The Players
Anyone who wishes to attend may do so, either as an Independant or representative of a Faction. Strangehosts are encouraged to attend (if only to inflate Morgan's ego ;)). It *may* get hectic, but I'm fairly certain that it can be pulled off- I doubt that many Factions will show, if only to show disdain for the Hemotopians. (Of course, that depends on entirely if the messenger is able to do his job...)
- Speaking of messengers, Player1 and Frostbyte have been tasked with giving out invitations - Player1 representing the Hemotopians, and Frostbyte to show that yes, this is legit.
- Any Televisionaries that wish to arrive are encouraged. Pending arrivals:
- Her Pliant Majesty would be pleased to attend, but can't quite muster the will to decide without being specifically called.
- "Hey, bubblequeen! C'mon down to Strangewarp, there's going to be a dinner. You can make very subtle, polite jibes at the Hemotopians, and eat stuff." -Frostbyte
- (gigglesqueaks at the last item) "Why, Mister Hedgehog! What a quaint and nostalgic pastime! How could We refuse?"
- Sosael's immediate reaction was to offer to be the main course. It is unknown whether Atazael plans to fill this role in her absence.
- Lysette intends to be Player1's dinner date for this, if she can be! Maybe more will come along, but she doesn't want it to grow too complex, yes? If she can, she will!
- Hearsay and rumor would seem to indicate that GrayZero is likely to show up. In what capacity and for what Purpose, though, is unknown.
- StrangeLibrary is almost certainly sending a representative, although its usual one would probably be quite bewildered.
- Someone may well have already taken over that postion.
- Nikolai, a former Strange host, was wary to return to the warp until Trilogee asked him to come. He'll probably go as her date or something.
The Time
...Is looking to be later than anticipated. Feel free to give a suggestion; I'm looking at Saturday the 6th, at 9pm EST? Feedback is desired.