The legend goes that a long time ago, Downwarp was a rather different place. Flat fields of wreckage and ruin stretched between small settlements, and violent storms of rust and smog and scrp would sometimes blow wildly between them. One day, a group of new settlers to the warp were crossing a barren ruin field when a huge rust storm began. Searching desperately for shelter, the small tribe happened upon something they had not noticed before.. a sturdy tank, excellent for shelter, sitting in the middle of the field. They all climbed in, and found it just big enough to fit everyone, if they dind't mind being cozy. They stayed in the tank, instantiating their favorite foods and telling stories and keeping each other comfortable, for five nights, until the storm cleared, and they could continue on.
Today, many Downwarpers use the story as a basis for a holiday to remember their blessings, whether of circumstance (like the tank), of Puzzlebox (like the food), or of companionship (like the company). Some build tanks or tank shelters, some just walk until they find a good place to stay. The menu and acitivities vary from one group to another and one celebration to another.. Generally, it's just "whatever makes you happy."
Tanksgiving is celebrated in 2004 on the Ballard Memorial Freeway, from November 24-29.