::I love this idea, and if there's enough sentiment to make it canonical and ongoing, I'd be fine with that. It reminds me of the cyclical elemental offices of the Invisible College... Given the Bottomish version of the Strangemyth?, how about if Strange "got over itself" and became Bottom, Bottom blissed out and became Charm, and Charm mechanized itself straight into Up? Perhaps the cycles themselves go through cycles -- every permutation of transformation is played out at some point, and after they're all finished, the whole Mess goes through another even weirder rebirth? * Puzzlebox is the result of another historical timeline's infection by some kind of hypersentient oneirochronic symbiote. The inhabitants perceive their lives, now, as the Puzzlebox world, but they have "already" lived their lives in another form. This symbiosis is mutualistic and benevolent, but of questionable consensuality; if the infection is purged, somehow, the Mess will revert to being a very, very dull Terran city of the late American Era.