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* Cornelius - 'Cornelius I' was ancient, and each clone forthcoming kept the knowledge of the last. The current version of Cornelius [MCMXCIX] has exponential knowledge of social culture, history and government spanning multiple universes and realities.
* Cornelius - The original Cornelius was ancient, and each clone forthcoming kept the knowledge of the last. The current version of Cornelius [MCMXCIX] has exponential knowledge of social culture, history and government spanning multiple universes and realities.

A broad term used to describe an intelligence that may not be "godlike", but is at least as far beyond sentience as the average sentient is beyond a dog. Given that the means to become one of these is within reach of everyone on Puzzlebox, there are very few of them hanging around. Those that are, and choose to communicate with sentient life, are almost invariably maddeningly cryptic. But then, much of sentience is cryptic to other forms of sentience. Subjectivity is a bitch.

[OOC: While it's broadly true that most of Puzzlebox denizens are "as gods, and might as well get good at it", as Stewart Brand once said, very few people seem to want to play out and out godlings. This is probably wise. It's hard to impersonate someone much, much, MUCH smarter than you are.)

Transcendi Puzzlebox Denizens

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Last edited January 4, 2005 9:52 am by Cornelius (diff)