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Downwarp looks like it was once a thriving metropolis that was abandoned to its own decay. But this appearance is deceiving. Despite the ubiquitous rust, debris, and decay, Down still thrives. True, it lacks the cozy infrastructure and unifying cultural vision of its sister Up -- living in Down can be downright uncomfortable to most Puzzlebox natives, used to luxury and stability. But Down attracts artists, mystics, and other passionate personality types like its staid sibling never will.

Down essentially is a monolithic abandoned skyscraper, with irregular stories each so huge that it has room for more buildings on its bare, exposed floors. A first glimpse of Downwarp shows just one of these stories, with any walls and ceiling lost on the sodium sky. The 'floor' is peppered with regular-sized skyscrapers, a number of nightclubs and drug dens, and even what may have once been freeway-scale roads. What lies underneath all this development, Functions only know, except that it includes a vast and unmappable (possibly even non-Euclidean) network of tunnels; it is taken for granted that they're full of lost urban tribes even weirder than the people who live on the surface.

Things fall apart fast in Downwarp. So do systems, even social and interpersonal ones. Entropy just seems to get a boost from the local laws of physics there. This makes it very difficult to build anything lasting in Down. It also teaches the locals to be very broad-minded and self-sufficient, since they know nothing will last forever. Downwarpians are ingenious recyclers, capable of turning just about anything broken into just about anything -- and then, once that breaks, into anything else.

Points of Interest

Warps: Down - Up - Bottom - Top - Charm - Strange

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Edited October 30, 2004 3:21 pm by Echo (diff)