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There are six major areas of the Mess. Their names are taken from the six flavors of [quarks].

Roughly speaking:

The Warps also converge with one another at various points. The primary points of contact have become Parks in themselves.


The Warps can be roughly grouped into two triplets: an Apollonian triplet (Up, Top, Charm) and a Dionysian triplet (Down, Bottom, Strange). They can also be grouped into Freudian pairs: the ethical Superego (Up and Down), the social Ego (Top and Bottom), and the impulsive Id (Charm and Strange). Or, in an alternative scheme, Up and Down are the Machines (or the Environment); Top and Bottom, the Senses (or the Body); and Charm and Strange, the Mysteries (or the Mind).

In Up and Top, order comes through acceptance of authority and social structure. Order in Charm and Bottom arises through harmony between individuals. Order in Down and Strange arises spontaneously in the midst of what seems at first to be decay and breakdown.

An unknown individual, likely a student of Gridshaman philosophy, produced [another view] of warp groupings (with its own symbols).

The names given to the zones where the warps converge (see Parks) reveal another pattern of precedence: Up, Charm/Strange, Down, Top/Bottom. The names given to the Impossible Warps (Downup, Bottomtop, and Strangecharm) completely reverse this pattern, but they are probably just myths.

Specific mental states and cognitive processes can be associated with each Warp: reason with Up, instinct with Down, discipline with Top, passion with Bottom, wonder with Charm, introspection with Strange.

... you thought it would be so easy to place your thoughts with us, child...

Other groupings are left as an exercise for the reader: color, temperature, music genres, states of matter... see discussion of what qualities make the Warps distinct from one another.

There are other places to go around the Mess, as well.

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Edited March 24, 2005 8:02 pm by Dr Talib Litston (diff)