History of Characters/Zee

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Revision 25 . . (edit) April 21, 2005 2:13 pm by Zee [New description!]
Revision 6 . . (edit) August 27, 2004 8:13 am by Zee
Revision 5 . . (edit) August 26, 2004 8:13 pm by RainbowsSunshineFlowersUnicorns

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 3c3
Hi! Zee is a Star-Lemur! It's a slender thing with short fur like silvery frost on yellow skin-- all long limbs and a longer tail, sharp elbows and big purple eyes. Zee's cheery and energetic, colorful and curious and has an absolutely crash fashion sense. Ataxia says so!
Here's a lean and long-limbed creature, a wide-eyed thing with slender ears and an irrepressible tail-- A lemur! This one has yellow skin, sun-touched along freckled shoulders and the top of xer cheery muzzle. Xer ears are narrow triangles, pale and pastel at the tips. Xer eyes are glossy purple, xer nose and tongue are purple, too! That tail's quite the thing, five feet long and nimble as xer hands and feet-- Zee's a little taller, but not as skinny. Xer voice is a warm alto, quick and dreamy.

Changed: 5c5
Zee's been around a while. According to the public 'nets it won a race in the Star City Rally a few [centuries] ago. It also designed a line of berets that've been crash fashion amongst Star City's racedrivers for half a [millenia]. These days it's a member of the Star City Rollerskating Conglomerate. It's a busy little critter!
Zee is a Star-Lemur!

Changed: 7c7


Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Changed: 9c9,10
Zee's umbrella may or may not be sentient; there is a mean-spirited rumor that, if it is left alone with anyone other than its owner, it might sidle up to that being and then suddenly close upon them! What happens then is unspecified. Though it would probably be a funny surprise.
Zee flew all over Downwarp on a sleek purple hoverwing. Exploring, maybe, around the
Ballard Memorial Freeway. Xe's done now.

Changed: 11c12,49
Zee has not been known to murder anyone in cold blood! Honest! likes hats!

You will come to a place where the streets are not marked.

Some windows are lighted. But mostly they're darked.

A place you could sprain both your elbow and chin!

Do you dare to stay out? Do you dare to go in?

How much can you lose? How much can you win?

--Dr. Seuss, "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"

Zee's been seen in Topwarp, too, climbing around Mt. Vinge. Climbing's way crash!

Can you find the hidden 'H'

Where it's hiding?

Is it on the ground

Or in the sky

Or part of something here?

Does it fit somewhere inside?

Is there somewhere it can hide?

Can you find it?

--They Might Be Giants, "Can You Find It?"

The People You'll See!

* Chelev is kind of squishy and nacreous but he does have these cute little tentacles and he can skate! Yay!
* Coalesce has seen something old in an odd place for it to be.
* Dr. Darlus Courbin is so crash! < d.dc + z = ^_^ ! >
* Jini knows how to rock and roll.
* Lysette is unhinged from the gravitic plane. Wow! Hyena rocket!
* Mel has an oddly-shaped head.
* PaulyPolly knows the letters are hiding, but where are they?
* Squizzle has a ticket. Can you hear the sound of the train?
* Torque had a neat metal arm, but it ran away. So Zee gave him xer balloonetic arm, because he's dreamy.
* William looks tired sometimes. His mask must be heavy. (What happened to him? Is he okay now? -Z)

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