History of Factions/Televisionary

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Revision 27 . . (edit) April 7, 2005 7:57 pm by Coalesce [* NPBs, ho! ]
Revision 26 . . (edit) April 5, 2005 3:39 pm by Trilogee
Revision 19 . . (edit) October 4, 2004 9:10 pm by GrayZero

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 4,5c4,5

What They've Done

Look into your mind.
Everybody got to deviate from the norm...
::-[Rush], Vital Signs

Removed: 7,13d6

Transform it.

There they are.


Removed: 21,22d13

Changed: 27,28c18

Being Churched

Life. Change. One. The same. Always. Forever. Today, tomorrow, yesterday. Life in its purest form is transformation, evolution, change. If you change, you live. That is all that is required.
"Ewige blumenkraft!" goes the battle cry.

Removed: 30d19

Removed: 32,33d20
You don't.

Removed: 36,37d22

Changed: 49,50c34

And Six of One

You are right. You are wrong.
They have ways. Mysterious ways.

Changed: 52c36
I am right. I am wrong.
They don't consider themselves a Faction as much as a mystic society.

Changed: 54c38
They are right. They are wrong.
They don't consider themselves a mystic society as much as a circle of friends.

Changed: 56c40
They don't consider themselves a circle of friends as much as a group of people with something in common.

Changed: 58c42
We are all right. We are all wrong.
They don't consider themselves a group of people with something in common as much as a bunch of vague acquaintances they just happen to know, somehow, magically, are connected somehow, even if they're not connected at all. And it's that connection-not-connection that makes them what they are. They may have vastly different beliefs, they may have vastly different ideas, and they may have vastly different methods, but they all share one thing in common.

Added: 59a44,48

What, you think I'm telling you? No, you get to figure that out on your own.

And Six of One

Removed: 66,67d54

Changed: 70c57
They're subversive little pests. You don't notice them.
They're subversive little pests. You don't notice them. No, seriously. Wanna' know why?

Removed: 77d63

Changed: 80c66
Thousands of conflicting rights make not a wrong, but deconstructive interference patterns that negate contrary positions haphazardly. If one believes something to be Truth(TM), it likely will be someone else's unTruth.
Thousands of conflicting rights make not a wrong, but deconstructive interference patterns that negate contrary positions haphazardly. If one believes something to be Truth(TM), it likely will be someone else's unTruth.

Changed: 84c70
We are the limiting valve. You're all wrong. When you can't do what's right, gotta take what's left.
We are the limiting valve. You're all wrong. When you can't do what's right, gotta take what's left.

Changed: 86c72
The preceding was utterly false.
The preceding was utterly false.

Changed: 112c98
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them think.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them think.

Changed: 118c104
Or one may already know. You were paying attention, weren't you?
Or one may already know. You were paying attention, weren't you? There will be a test on this later.

Added: 125a112,115

Nikolai doesn't even know, the poor dear. But part of us he is, and part of us he will always be.

If the Televisionaries could be said to have an official rock band, then the NeoPlagiaristic Bastards would be it.

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