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The Napoleonic Converter
- A bizarre machine, made from hunks of metal. There seems to be some kind of funnel sticking into it in one side, another funnel on the other side (in the other direction, of course), and a wrench stuck into what seems to be the top. At the "bottom" is four feet, made from hard rubber, carved like the feet of a lion's foot bathtub.
- The Napoleonic Converter (Napoleon, NapCon, or just Nappy for short) is a device invented by Trilogee in a major stoner-daze.
- It seems slightly sentient, and has grown to love just about everybody. Trilogee refers to it in the masculine. It pretty much only makes things bigger or smaller, otherwise not modifying them. Little else is known of the happily klanking rustbucket.
- Except that it klanks happily. And whines occasionally.