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Blip didn't know whether to add to the Top or Bottom of this list, so it just stuck its entry somewhere in the middle. It is played by someone with the unlikely name of [Kynn] who recently gave up most of the things she does in her life and moved to Arizona from Southern California. She's physically male and intends to stay that way, but has lately picked up the affection of referring to herself by female pronouns, especially online. She can be reached at NextOfKynn on AIM, by email at NextOfKynn@gmail.com, or as Lynn_Onyx and several other characters on FurryMUCK and Taps. Her livejournals are [kynn] and [lynn_onyx]; Blip has its own [journal] but as a deliberate choice, it's never posted to. Because that would be too fucking twee.
Blip is rarely around. You can reach its player in a couple ways if you need to: [email] or [LiveJournal] kinda work. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.

OOC contact information and gathering points.

Admit what masks you like. See also Players.

Roque's player maintains an IRC server and welcomes you all: irc.menagerie.tf:6667.

Here is a list of upcoming parties for Puzzlebox players.

Morty: [xiombarg] on LJ. xiomBRAG on AIM and YIM, 368485 on ICQ. xiombarg on LambdaMOO. Also xiombarg on [The Forge]. I am NOT the Xiombarg from the Supermegatopia message boards, however. If you live in the greater DC Metro area (I live in the Hyattsville/Adelphi area of MD, PG County) and want to do some face-to-face roleplaying, PLEASE contact me. If you need to reach me by email, email BOTH xiombarg AT io.com and xiombarg AT gmail.com to guarantee I get it.

Twin, Sosael/Atazael, Charlotte-Sophia: [Peganthyrus] on LJ. egypturnash via AIM. Elsemu*: Peggy, Kelvin (Furrymuck), Kalinda (Taps). Rare elsemu*. She is older than she seems to be and younger than her years would have you believe.

Trilogee, the ojou/shinsei complex: [Art site], contact me on AIM as SeraCharon. Use the pronoun "it" for bonus points. It is genetically female, and comfortable with this, but doesn't like gender-clauses. It is snide, sarcastic, cynical, but overall friendly, despite certain jaded opinions. Those who live near Portland, ME, are encouraged to make contact that perhaps someday it might make contact in meatspace.

Echo's known as Siege on [LJ], [FM], and in person if you don't know his real name. You can meet him at the coming [Morphicon] if you haven't already.

Nikolai and Coalesce: LJ, [Liquid Memories]. AIM: Cobaltie. FM and any other muck: CobaltBlue. [Art Site] Can sometimes be seen but never spotted* in the region of Portland, Oregon, USA. Is also known as Chris. Email is cobaltie at gmail dot com.(*Hates polka dots, and is not a leopard.)

Grace, Hydra, Roll-a-Roll, Etiel, Neg: LJ is [sarahwolfie]. I'm on AIM via wolfienamedsarah ("Wolfie" is an ancient nickname, without much relation to species, that I've retained since the early 1990s, but you can also address me as "Sarah".) Anisha on FurryMUCK, but I'm very rarely on there.

sabina has a secret alt on puzzlebox. Feel free to guess if you like! On furrymuck and shangrila i'm sabina. And bina on Taps. Though i am not on those places much anymore. If anyone reads the stories Tanj's Tales, that is also me appearing in more recent chapters.

Squeak and Charlie (also Gilgilo): LJ, [ktiger] and [pbtoy] (there's another but you have to ask :) ). AIM: pbxsqueak, ICQ 455749. Kati (Not Katie, Cat-ee) on FM (rarely), Kati/Charlie/Katep on tapestries, Kati on IoS (rarely), Pantl on AR (rarely).

Schizzy, Darkon, Beast, He_Who_Beholds, CatToy, Nezumiki, Calamity, Xia, Lexia, Ardra, N'Cheren, Chmeeling, Masque, Reginald, etc: LJ [1], catgirlhunterc on AIM, catgirlhunterc@hell.no on MSN, 81351161 on ICQ (All rarely visitted), Kittyn, Kat, Gabriel, Darkon, etc on anthrochat (come to #puzzlebox!) and if you see catgirlhunterc anywhere, it's probably me. And I'm *not* giving a full MUCK alt list. That'd just be waaay too long.

Zoe: My theme song would be 'Sunshine Underground' by Chemical Brothers and I have recently grown into Zoe (or is that Chaplain Zoe?) If I were a flash movie it could be something like [Sunrise and Mischief] I am acertaindoebear [Acertaindoebear] and there is more contact info there. I am Peace on Taps, FM and IRC (though I am rarely there) and also Portnoy and Atira on FM. I have ICQ, but I use it as a pager (again, contact info is on my LJ) I enjoyed Conifur 99 immensely and got severely crowd-shocked at FC 2000 (but was glad I went, for the experience). My favourite colour is green. This. Is. Paradise

OR, Alba, Carousel, N'kenge, Tumult, Marhime, Alizarin, Rezeya, Theeka, aex.rat (among others): [postvixen] (among others) on Livejournal, and yulicorn (among others) on AIM. Seen often at Anthrocon and occasionally at FurCon (among others). Currently a 29-year-old transcriptionist and amateur board game designer in suburban Boston (among others). I keep old essays on my [website], my ruminations on Puzzlebox on [this livejournal], and my princesses in towers where they belong.

Frostbyte, Besax, and the now-rarely-seen Mareil, Vraiv, and Phredesh are all masks of an underworked, oversexed MIT student in Boston. He dreams of having sex with all of you, especially the ones who feel ugly. Due to a hormone problem, he can't imagine an administrative assistant being anything other than blisteringly attractive. Well, he can, but he doesn't really want to.

XOR, Haruki, and Aja are all Postrodent, a 31-year-old genetically-male androgyne transhumanist anarchosocialist with pretensions of being a digital artist. He's also Postrodent on Livejournal and Rikal on Tapestries, although he never goes there either. He's terribly afraid of all of you but, at the same time, really, really loves you all. He occasionally shows up at Anthrocon or FurCon, where he's either sitting quietly in the corner of the room or talking loudly about science fiction or politics.

Galahad and Olivia are [ixx] on Livejournal and oshirikage on AIM and MSN (oshirikage@hotmail -- email sent there will fall into a stygian oubliette, so please only use this info for messaging). She draws stuff, and will probably tell you more about herself if you really really want to know.

Morgan, Kurohi, Slight, and Onya are various entities vying for control of the mindspace of one individual who can be located on #puzzlebox on anthrochat, #fluorescence on menagerie, [ShayTreyden ] on livejournal, and quite often as Kokushibyouvix on AIM. The latter is an older character. The entity behind all of these is semichaotic, somewhat good natured, and often out of her mind. Do forgive the mess.

Kayle/Trancend can be found on anthrochat as either Steve or Steven (both are registered to him, no worries about imposters), as [Vanst] on LiveJournal, as KhoiAndrews on AIM, and in that crazy thing called reality as a lanky college-age Californian male with far too much time on his hands. He is listed as a danger to midgets, birds, and other small animals.

Induction-Coil and Materi is on several other mucks as Indi (and sometime Matrian, though that's getting rarer and rarer), and IndiCoyote on AIM and LJ. He lives in the far-off land of California, too.

GrayZero can be found in all sorts of places under her usual nom de plume of Viqsi; most notably AIM, [LiveJournal], and some IRC networks (menagerie.tf as mentioned above, and she also hangs around with those moral degenerates in AnthroChat #puzzlebox). She works for her synagogue in the real world, and thinks far too many people have an overly negative opinion of organized religion. She also practices amateur psychology and sociology as a life skill, and may go study it For Real someday. And Now You Know!™

Blip is rarely around. You can reach its player in a couple ways if you need to: [email] or [LiveJournal] kinda work. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.

Laelys was approached about his contact info, but it seems like our emissary got eaten. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Clockwork can be found any number of places, usually not under that name, as it's reserved for "special" encounters. He lives in Texas. o/` Where all his exas live, That's why he has his hat in o/`...err Austin Texas. He is afraid of everyone. ClockworkDraggie@yahoo.com is a likely e-mail address to reach him at. He goes by the name "Asrinmoore" on livejournal, but mostly posts about his life-problems.

Sweet William, Strange William, and Amelia are played by Silverblue. Silverblue used to do a lot more [art] than xie does now. Silverblue is an Australian (thus the odd times), and has no idea what xie does any more, save for the vague feeling of failing more and more these days. This is why xie's on here so often. [Livejournal] and [dead site].

Jeremy's player is a weepy furry loser. You really don't want to know him in real life, cause he's not really a fox person at all, but one of those loathesome inadequately furred primate things that this planet has an excess of. Some people think his whining is cute, but it really does get old after a while.

Talia's player is about as strange as the character herself. Anything Trilogee/shinsei says about her insanity is lies, all LIIIIES. She's eccentric is all. Oh, contact info, yes. AIM is Tarani14. MSN messenger is cldail@hotmail, which is also a possible way to reach her, although she prefers cldail@gmail. Likes to be called Cassie, mostly. Unless you're one of those evil folks who pronounce it Casey. Seeing as she doesn't have much of a life (life? what is this life you speak of?), you can contact her fairly easily. PBX LJ with three whole posts at time of edit is [Taliabear].

Parity, an Australian of uncertain descent, can be found on [Livejournal], ICQ 54008187 (name: Sepharen) and via email (seph at swiftdsl dot com dot au). There are other places, too, but those are the easy ones.

Sel, Torque and Tiskel's player is constantly bouncing between Florida and New Jersey and is an Applied and Experimental Psychology student. All fear. Thre's a live journal of his [[here]] and can be contacted on AIM under the screen name mmsword. Also you can get in contact with him through gmail at masamunesword@gmail.com. The player has a multitude of characters laying about but if there's a Zander on your local muck, most likely thats him too.

Parvati, Leviathan-chan, Kotludnica et al. is a mortality graduate student and legal temp from Southern California. And you will know his OOC musings, by the name [Holohedron].

Esche [player of many] is absolutely fucking horrible and you do not, under any circumstance, need to talk to him. Stop entertaining that idea at once. ... Oh fine. If you must. Anthrochat IRC, #puzzlebox.

Mr.Curious, 16, Mother, and Variable are all played by a freak calling itself Aotommo. Its AIM screen name is Aotommo, and can be found in #puzzlebox on Anthrochat, as well. Listen to the weird phoneposts it makes in its [crappy Livejournal] sometime, but don't bother talking to it because it's a disgusting social degenerate. Trust me- I, of all people, should know!

Karna, the player of Cornelius, Tweek and Karna can be found in #puzzlebox on AnthroChat, as well.

Well, if you so happen be looking for the player of Einar, #puzzlebox on AnthroChat would be a good place to start!

The person that plays Characters/Kehari? and Valkanyr is very possibly the most outwardly-mundane player here. Xe's spent decades fine-tuning the art of blending into the background. Despite this, in xer head resides a delightfully wicked and thoroughly kinked mind. Xer attention-getting claim to fame is having been a nuclear reactor operator on a submarine for four years. Xe goes to great lengths to keep xer true identity a secret, but the preceding sentence probably just tipped off a couple of other PBX players as to who xe really is. Xe does maintain an OOC/RL LJ and an account on each of the major IM networks along with some characters on FM, Taps, and one other muck, and if you ask very nicely xe might let you know what they are.

Syzygy and Rheoryn are both played by the entity who's LJ resides at [Dracono] Just poke it on AIM: Dracono324 or ICQ: 514419 and it'll add you if you so desire. The player used to be a bit annoying, probably to many of you in fact. However it's calmed down considerably after admitting to its gender problems.

Maichirona is Maichirona on AIM, Peregrine on FM, and Aino on Taps. She lives in Central Florida.

Camilla's player is even more mundane than Kehari?'s, working as an administrative assistant in Ohio.

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Last edited June 30, 2005 2:03 pm by Blip (diff)