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...and perhaps a semi-secret alt or two...


Being Done

Amanita - A quick question for you. I'm getting my own wiki set up, with Twin's help, and she informs me that you authored the pb-grey-new style sheet in optional use here. May I steal it for my wiki, currently in (very) pre-release at, for the same purpose of providing site users a pretty and very different-looking alternative? Thanks. -- Murotunikel? (baxil at tomorrowlands dot-org)

Please do! I had to do a bit of hacking to make the wiki generate the style DIV tags, which means that if CSS support improves in future revisions of UseMod, they may not use the same tags.

Since your wiki's new, you might also check out [Oddmuse], a descendant of UseMod with slightly different features and much better CSS support. Also, you can easily install 'modules' - plugins for different behaviours. The mechanism makes it very easy to write new ones, too, for example for the indexing markup you've described on the ToDo page.

I've been impressed enough with it to switch over the various small wikis I maintain (it's possible to convert an existing UseMod database). [Here's a list] of the most notable differences between the two. -- A

The feature set of UseMod is quite adequate for my needs -- I wasn't going to rely heavily on CSS, just wanted to give people the option of making it non-ugly. ;) About the only thing I want to do is add "category" support for easier cross-reference and some sifting functions. I can't find any out-of-the-box wikis with a similar function so I'll just dig into the PERL and write it myself or with help from friends. (See [my concept notes] for a rough idea of the category functionality I want. Since I'm running on the PBX codebase, I may even be able to share it back here if it would come in useful.)
And, thanks! -- M

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Edited December 2, 2004 6:34 pm by Murotunikel (diff)