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Many sentients muster up the courage to venture into Strangewarp Library, hoping to loot it for its hoard of secrets, and fail to even find the building at all. A once-beautiful classical structure now ravaged by unknown forces and the creeping infestation of Strange, the Library has camouflaged itself in a near-perfect trompe l'oeil painting of its own ruins. Of those who've seen through the illusion and entered the building, few have returned, and those who have speak of horrors both gross and subtle prowling the halls of ancient books and corroding storage media. It is rumored that the Library is, in some way, a key to Strangewarp and the Virus, although noone can agree on exactly how, and that there is some sort of terrible mind contained within the Library's walls.


Within the depths of the building lies a Trinity that sees and knows all and nothing.

Sweet William, Secretary, drinks Strange Soup.

See also: Strangewarp | Attractions

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Edited September 17, 2004 10:31 am by Amanita (diff)