The New Black

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Sumire says "Spheres must be the new new black."

Slaves to Fashion Roll Call

Blip is a bouncing ball of black and white rubber. There's a flat panel in the middle of it, with a small graphical and text representation of whatever emotion it's feeling at the time. Right now, it's feeling: [ bouncy ]


You find yourself looking at a rather unremarkable object... a rubber ball. Around a foot in diameter, it's a featureless of sphere of black rubber, with no distinguishing markings... not even a seam from where it was cast. Sometimes when you look, it just sits still... but at others, you can see it bouncing around, occasionally bouncing off at unusual or even impossible angles for a normal rubber ball... and sometimes, it just seems to float through the air! Hardly a normal rubber ball... but does such a thing even exist in the Mess?


Floating in mid air is what seems to be a large bubble, about a metre in diameter, but matt black in colouration. Only the faintest of sheens can be seen from its surface, which occasionally shimmers as the sphere creates a noise, its skin vibrating the air around it. There seem to be no obvious sensory apparatus or appendages of any sort.

Whose fault?


The Old New Black

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Edited May 10, 2005 6:18 pm by Blip (diff)