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For planning of new concepts and events that might come up in discussion.

(If this is filed somewhere else already, apologies! The Wiki is a lovely thing but many-layered and sometimes too deep to find things.)
See also Steal This Idea and Players Wanted (similar in spirit but a little different - maybe reorganize eventually?)

(Elements liberally taken from [recent discussion] on PB LJ)

You probably know my style by now: I favor the carrot and generally avoid the stick at all costs. I won't prohibit anything unless the demand is virtually unanimous. What I would probably do is add new utilities, new events, new information, new volunteer opportunities, or any other new resources that might make PBx more hospitable for the people who feel they aren't fitting in.

New concepts

Oh, hiya! Surprising no one, the PBX wiki already has a section for Drugs, and the description of Luce would probably fit quite nicely under the Metapharms page. This page is really more for MUCK-wide infrastructure, but don't sweat it -- we're not sticklers for formality and the idea's welcome to stay here until it finds a home elsewhere!

This seemed like the best place to get some feedback before, as it were, adding it to "canon" (which I know is more flexible than I'm giving it credit for, but seeing as how I'm not even on the muck yet ...). Feel free to move it somewhere more appropriate, perhaps under MinorVariation as a Key Logo analogue? -- Murotunikel?



Elelator Go Up!
You are in a tube of brightly colored plastic, the lower entrance of which lets people walk in at or near ground level. The upper entrance seems to be quite some distance in the sky, as various ports in the walls/floor/ceiling allow you to see. Occasionally a group of giggling shinies will gather at a window and wave to rubber birds and chromed orbiters fluttering past.
A smile from someone nearby, a gift of artistic leaflets or flowers blowing past in the gravitational wind. Happy people walking at all angles on the inside and sometimes the outside.
Welcome to the Charmtubes, someone says. Please, feel free to love us! You can go down to the central field, or up to the Park to play.

--(Siege) Echo

Purely as an experiment, you could always put a lock on some of the public rooms that detects when they're over-capacity. It wouldn't keep/kick anyone out, just display a brief message from the world-system that politely suggests people spread out a little more.
As mentioned in OR's entry, possibly set MPI in very popular rooms to quietly add/remove them from whereare as the crowd level changes. --Echo

I've been putting You Are Here to use, and it's been used a few times as far as I know. This would actually be really fun to have in more locations/Warps/etc. It's wonderful for someplace private-ish, but people can still wander in on. -- Trilogee

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Edited January 30, 2005 12:55 am by Murotunikel (diff)