There is no Diafeara. |
Ataxia currently lives with System and Kelly in Upwarp, Zeta Sector. System is her declared love, though she is not bound to any system of action by this except for the exclusion of another primary mate. She is similarly fond of Kelly as well, and considers absolutely family, in the close jackal-bonding kind of way! Plus, she sings so wonderfully..
She considers Blue and associated offspring of her family as well, thanks to System.
She is exceptionally fond of Besax, given that he is the first person she ever knew, period, regardless of his nature or any unpleasant interaction between him and System. She thinks he's a little broken right now, however.
Having commited several acts of (safe) Strange sex with Beta of Hydra, Ataxia is very much endeared to the strange doe. She's killed her twice, spent time with her within the Hydra Network itself, and has shared with her the most intimate of memories. Beta even came to visit Ataxia while she was still in the [Toymaker Labs]?. Mutually, they intend to explore each other further still, and grow with eachother. What that means for Ataxia even she's not sure.
Ataxia hurt Lupe badly at one point, thinking she had lost her friendship. In the end, it seems to have made herself and the animated statue only closer. Both are very new to this world, and share a lot together. Present Plot With: Lupe has become Ataxia's sister. Identical down to her voice, the only major difference rests in their eyes - Lupe's are Sapphire, brilliant. Ataxia's are always terribly dull. Thanks to the Toymaker implant in Lupe, Ataxia was able to mold the hyena slowly into a form matching her's so closely, her internal order accepted Lupe as part of its domain. When in her presence, her fields extend to her and further the slow transformation in Lupe as she's brought in closer and closer to the original jackal's orders. Its to the point where they're thinking eachother's thoughts - they are potentially becoming a Gestalt, and they're quite enthralled with every moment of it at present.
Untitled has found a special place in her heart, which has always been there for him, but only recently been truly touched on. They're both works of art in the literal sense, a designed being, a creation of another's will who they do not know, and will not know.
"D" was hurt badly by Ataxia at some point, during the jackal's Bubbledoll Crisis. They've since more than made up, and Ataxia is curious to see more of the collie, as she's proved wonderful to her.
Flyte has been extraordinarily understanding of Ataxia's situation as of late. She only wishes she had gotten to know him better before she had to burden the relationship with her own problems.
Jini truly helpped Ataxia, in her eyes. Has shown her a moment of purity. Has been utterly understanding, no matter how much people told the jackal that she should stay away. Ataxia actually, genuinely loves Jini.
An unexpected new friend, the wonderfully different Grace was the first to offer her a chance at free will again, when she had expected she had lost all of it to her fears.
She's never been so hurt before as she's been hurt by Sweet William, in so much more than the context in which she was originally hurt by him. He's managed to hurt the young jackal deeper than she knew possible, over and over again, and its almost impossible for anyone to see it happen when it does, except for her.
And she's been helped so much, in an odd way, by Frostbyte. Its weird, its wonderful, and she loves him for it. Even _outside_ of being a blissful toy, she loves him for it!
Ataxia recently discovered the emotion of anger, when Sweet William had apparently harmed Kelly?. She brought Lupe all the way to her Shadow form as well with her, and brought Kelly back from Strange. But, on the way back, she encountered William.. and tried to _eat_ him, in anger. She was stopped before she could truly rip him into bits.. but, he loved it, and Ataxia suffered all the more from it.
Ataxia is a pent up ball of fear, anger, worry, and emotions she wished no part of.. or, was..
It doesn't matter, suddenly, shockingly.. No, none of it does.. Ataxia, and Lupe.. are now Toys. How the chaos-jackals could have been altered to accept their programing is an apparent mystery, but now that their orders have changed, the wiring, the changes are absolutely in line with their internal orders. Utterly, absolutely.. the angers and fears she had no longer matter to her, she and her sister are submissive, Gestalt, obedient, perfect Toys, twins, who love each other utterly. Only that much is plain to the world, right now. (At the time of this writing, though, it is undiscovered yet.)
Further Developments: It has slowly gotten out that apparently, Frostbyte was indulging both jackals in a bit of a dream, in a beautiful mix of non-consensual and consensuality. A vacation. Its utterly true that, if she were not presently as she is, Ataxia would be a terrible mess right now - and likely have done some very dramatic things, and been hurt a number more times. She's been safe from all the drama, and has truly been coalescing. Matters are far more complex than this, of course, but then, you'd have to go learn about this on your own!
Etc: Ataxia is now out of programming, and once more exploring the world actively, a little off balance still, but finding her feet once more. With Lupe and the help of the Hydra Network, she's progressing back to both a more stable mindset, and a less latex covered form!