The eerie network called Hydra is emerging yet more... figures and avatars that were just rumors are now coming out more, including the mysteriously dreaded Gamma. Rumors... vague, but it seemingly started particularly after some deal with System, some exhchange of information. After that, Hydra apparently attempted to link up a Beta incarnation directly up to System's home universe of Prime, losing that member in the process. Now, an order-corrupted version of Beta walks around, strangely quiet and seemingly disoriented, even as the other Betas begin getting active, probing around in the most curious places.
Just what the heck is Hydra up to?
Possibly Involved Events?
- The deal between System and Hydra, apparently information related to Roque's mindcontrol problems in exchange for data on System's "biology"...
- A curious copulation between Beta and Ataxia...
- The linkage of a Beta to Prime...
- Another data-exchange between System and Hydra, this one apparently occuring in the Autocafe, with Hydra blossoming into a strange flower-like terminalnode...
- The gift of a gravity-harp, within which is enveloped a living if nonsentient singularity, to Flyte...
- Curious inquires into very transcendental physics, even down to the most elemental level...
Possible Players?
- System, the original deal.
- Hydra, another conspirator, possibly the primary one.
- Zeta, the severed member of Hydra, now reborn.
- Ataxia, is her role already over? Or has it only began?
- Flyte. Bribed? Tricked?
- The Architecture, Hydra seems to be sniffing around those guys more.
- Twin, most forecasts suggest possible, even highly likely, involvement down the line.
Any Connections?
Apparent interests in: aentropy, singularities, core physics of universes, sex, Architecture (means to an end?), Flyers, singularities...
Todo (OOC)
Include links to posted LJ logs of some of the events mentioned herein.
Get hooks into more people, particularly people with interesting information possibly related to this stuff. ;)